Effectively fighting white flies on basil - that's how it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Effectively fighting white flies on basil - that's how it works - Garden
Effectively fighting white flies on basil - that's how it works - Garden


Effectively fighting white flies on basil - that's how it works

If a cloud of white flies rises from the basil at the slightest touch, the horror is great. To save the herbaceous plant from extinction, immediate countermeasures are required. How to get rid of the pests, read here.

Knowledge of lifestyle increases efficiency of control

White flies are closely related to the scale insects, of which they visually differ significantly by their floury-white wings. Actually, the filigree, 1-2 mm small insects are pretty to look at. However, both the adult flies and their brood sucks a basil's life. At temperatures of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, they develop the highest infestation pressure.

Defensive measures in the bed and on the balcony

Typical symptoms of infestation are yellow speckles on the leaves. In addition, the adult specimens honeydew, which causes black Rußtaupilz. To put an end to the nefarious activity, the handle to systemic insecticides on a chemical basis is frowned upon by basil. With these biological agents you are going against the white flies:

Preventive measures

Basil in the bed and pot protect you effectively by close-meshed insect nets. As soon as the temperatures rise above 20 degrees Celsius, the nets should be spread out. In this way, the winged females can not access the plant. In addition, defensive plant partners have proven useful, such as tagetes and nasturtium. Ecologically oriented hobby gardeners also plead for overflowing the beetroot regularly with a brew of oak leaves.

Weakened basil is more susceptible

The more vital a plant, the more resistant it proves to diseases and pests of all kinds. Their basil is less exposed to the white flies, if the supply of water and nutrients are right. Pour the herb regularly as soon as the substrate has dried. As a starvation herb, royal weed requires a weekly dose of compost or similar organic fertilizer from May to September.

Tips & Tricks

Do you know the most natural form of fly traps, without any chemicals? With carnivorous plants, also known as carnivores, you will join a basil on the windowsill and a resolute trap. Greasy weed or Venus flytrap leaves no chance for the flapping pests.