How to properly care for your balcony plants - Tips for beginners

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The better maintained, the more magnificent the flowers on the balcony

How to properly care for your balcony plants - Tips for beginners

Experienced balcony gardeners can give full-length lectures on the subject of care. Basic measures for beginners in the nursery garden remain mostly unmentioned. These 3 care tips are intended for beginners and explain fundamental work around the successful cultivation of balcony plants.

Pouring balcony plants - Constance is trumps

Immediately after planting, the starting signal for the care of balcony plants is given by pouring your floral pupils for the first time. From this point on, the substrate should neither dry out nor be dripping wet. The most important cornerstones for an expert water supply are summarized below:

Please do not cast suspensions on your balcony plants. First insert a finger 2 cm deep into the substrate. Feel no moisture, is watered.

Apply flower fertilizer - replenishment of used energy

The lavish blooms devour tons of nutrients. Equalize the high energy consumption of your balcony plants with a liquid flower fertilizer. One month after planting, the supplies in pre-fertilized substrate are depleted. Once a week, add a liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water at the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

Withered plastering - care for a well-groomed appearance

Wilted petals stick together and affect the beauty of balcony plants. By cleaning out everything that has withered every 1 to 2 days, your flowers will shine in new splendor. The correct procedure for popular balcony plant species can be read below:

While one-year-old balcony flowers bloom nonstop, perennial balcony plants sometimes take a break from flowering, such as lobelia or ice begonias. Cut all shoots back by a third, after a short time a picturesque after-flowering appears.


Repotting in the care program for balcony plants ranks at par with watering, fertilizing and plastering. Annual flowering blooms have quite often in the middle of summer, the root box completely rooted, so the change to a larger vessel with fresh soil is advisable. For perennial potted plants, however, spring is the best potting appointment.