Balcony box on the south side? - These plants thrive here magnificently

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer
Video: Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer


Sage thrives best on the south side

Balcony box on the south side? - These plants thrive here magnificently

A life on the south balcony presents plants in the flower box with special challenges. Cooling shade is in short supply here, so this location is reserved for floral sunbathers and aridity specialists. The best perennials, herbs and ornamental grasses for the balcony planting we present here.

Flowers for sunny flower boxes - a handpicked selection

The following perennials repeat their flower festival on the south balcony every year:

Please remember to plant a drainage system on the ground during planting. To prevent waterlogging in the planted flower box, effectively prevent it with potsherds or pebbles.

These herbs love a life on the sunny side

Clever hobby gardeners plant herbs in the balcony box on the south side. The focus is on Mediterranean species, such as sage (Salvia officinalis), oregano (Origanum) and thyme (thymus). These herbs tolerate drought without problems and unfold their full aroma only in the sun. In addition, the aroma artists delight with charming flowers in the summer time.

Filigree magical creatures for the flower box - ornamental grasses for the south balcony

Only a few ornamental grasses are suitable for the limited space capacity in the full sunned balcony box. The following species and varieties are up to the challenge:

Ornamental grasses are the ideal companion plants for taller perennials in the flower box. With their dense foliage they produce green abundance and support their plant neighbors in stronger winds. In autumn, put the spring flower bulbs in the potting soil. Snowdrops (Galanthus), crocus (Crocus) and snow shine (Chionodoxa) colorfully bridge the waiting time for the flower festival of perennials.


To make a flower box artistic, the aesthetics of variety play a central role. This premise is perfectly fulfilled with a composition of plants with different stature heights, colors and foliage. When low upholstery gathers around tight upright trees, this change creates an exciting appearance.