So you plant box boxes hardy - these ornamental plants are frost resistant

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer
Video: Planting Window Boxes for Spring! πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer


Heather does not mind frost

So you plant box boxes hardy - these ornamental plants are frost resistant

On the wintry balcony, the flower box becomes a stage for frost-resistant plants with evergreen foliage. Winterblüher and fruit ornamental perennials brag with colorful flowers and bright berries. You can find out with which plants you can plant your window boxes hardy.

Early article Planting window boxes properly - planting suggestions for every season Next article How to plant the balcony box for the winter - Tips for winter planting

Classic on the winter balcony - colorful heather plants

Her nimbus as a stylish winter planting for the balcony, heath plants owe their frost hardy species and varieties. Winter heather is one of the few deciduous shrubs that you can cultivate in the flower box. From December to April, flocks of small flowers unfold, which contrasts impressively with the evergreen leaves. The focus is on the two premium varieties 'Kramer's Red' and 'White Perfection' (Erica x darleyensis), which remain at an ideal growth height of 30 to 35 cm.

Picturesque flowers in the snow - Winter Queen Christrose

The Christmas rose enchants us in the midst of ice and snow with white and delicate pink flowers, accompanied by rich green, hand-shaped ornamental leaves. At least for a winter season, the magical perennial likes to keep yard in a flower box on the balcony. Their legendary age of 25 years achieve Helleborus species namely only in the bed. The following varieties dip the wintry balcony into a sea of ​​flowers:

Combine the Schneerose with the white Duftveilchen (Viola odorata, Alba '), which decoratively with dainty 10 to 15 cm of the royal Christrose lies at feet and from February on his flower dress applies.

Shimmering leaves and red berries for the wintry flower box - that's how it works

The planting plan for winter hardy window boxes is only complete when evergreen fruit ornamental plants are included. The ranking is led by the red carpet (Gaultheria procumbens). After a promising flowering in late summer, bright red berries appear over glossy-green, oval leaflets in winter. Thanks to a stature height of 10 to 20 cm and a frost hardness of up to - 24.5 degrees Celsius, this elegant little wood remains true throughout the winter.

The cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri, Coral Beauty ') should not be missed in the wintry flower box, as its cascades of evergreen foliage and red berry fruits attract everyone's attention. The beautiful, winter hardy little wood with the up to 60 cm long tendrils is suitable as a permanent guest in the flower box. Every season, its foliage carpet acts as a green canvas for the flowers and perennials of the current season.


If the Christmas rose has finished its winter flower festival in the flower box, put the perennial in the bed. In the shadow of deciduous trees she likes it very well. Combine the loyal Helleborus niger, for example, with roses in the front yard, and welcome your guests throughout the year with a picturesque flower greeting.