Fertilize trees properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fertilize Trees
Video: How to Fertilize Trees


Especially trees in tubs should be fertilized regularly

Fertilize trees properly

In general, planted trees are well able to supply themselves via their root system.However, it can still lead to a nutrient deficiency in barren soil and strong planting by the competitive pressure - especially if the gardener is very neat and, for example, autumn leaves always rakes away. A soil study provides information about which nutrients are missing and whether fertilization is necessary.

Overview of the principles of tree fertilization

For quick readers, we have created here a summary of the article that presents at a glance the most important principles of tree fertilization.

When fertilization is necessary

First of all, tree fertilization out of blue haze is often a bad idea, as most garden soils today are rather over-under-supplied. Therefore, a previous soil sample sent to and evaluated at a state or private soil investigation site makes sense. With the result of the laboratory examination, you will also receive a fertilizer recommendation, in which you finally can not do anything wrong. That fertilization in a tree might be necessary and perhaps even a deficiency, can be seen in the characteristic features:

But before you turn to the fertilizer at these signs, you better look again for the causes of such changes. In many cases, diseases or pests are behind it instead.

Fertilization is less

Basically, planted trees should be fertilized maximally every two years, which is usually completely sufficient. Since over-fertilization can have as serious consequences as a severe shortage, you should also prefer organic fertilizers - these are only taken after about three to four weeks and then gradually, so that over-fertilization is unlikely. As organic fertilizers are suitable

Most fruit trees are adequately supplied according to this scheme:

Lime-sensitive trees, such as magnolia, are better fertilized with manure instead of compost.

Mineral fertilization with deficiency symptoms

A mineral fertilizer is recommended only for pronounced deficiency symptoms, such as iron or potassium deficiency. Otherwise, garden trees are quickly over-supplied with special tree fertilizers.


Lime-catching trees benefit from a lime coating for various reasons.