Also onions are not spared from diseases and pests

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Common Pests of Onions
Video: Common Pests of Onions


Also onions are not spared from diseases and pests

The robust onions are not spared from diseases and pests. The skillful selection of the location and the neighbors in the bed can prevent the infestation.

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Wrong mildew

The downy mildew is the most common fungal disease of the onion, which can occur in permanently wet and cool weather. The spores of the fungus are transmitted by the diseased onions or come from the soil where they are left over from the wintered plants.

The disease manifests itself in the fact that the foliage is discolored. The discoloration is initially difficult to notice, so it can spread unhindered. If the infestation progresses, the leaves die off and the tuber has difficulty growing further.

Preventive measures:

onion fly

The onion fly is an aggressive pest that lays eggs on young plants from April. The resulting maggots damage the onion by eating into it. The onion fly hatches two to three times during the year. The first generation is the most dangerous because the young plants are still in development and not robust enough.

One recognizes the infestation that the young plants wither first and then dried up their green. The onions start to rot. You can tell by the fact that you can easily pull the onions out of the ground.

The best means of preventing the infestation of birds are the protective nets that are stretched over the beds. This is particularly important in the period from sowing in April to tuber formation in June, as the plantlets that are growing up are not yet resilient at this time. In addition, a direct proximity to carrots should be favorable. Next you should not overdo it with the fresh organic fertilizer.

Tips & Tricks

The onions are spared from an annoying pest: the snails do not like the onions, they are probably too spicy.