So multiply your astilbe - the best tips

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
30 Stems of Astilbe Styling Tutorial
Video: 30 Stems of Astilbe Styling Tutorial


After flowering, the seeds of the astilbe can be collected for propagation

So multiply your astilbe - the best tips

There are many reasons to increase your own garden plants, not always based on the desire for greater plant wealth. Sometimes it is also about rejuvenating older plants and maintaining the flowering or re-stimulating.

This is also a reason for the division of the root ball with the astilbe. At the latest when the plant flowers only weakly or moderately, you should resort to this remedy. Alternatively, you can regularly share your pet around every three to five years.

Propagation by sharing

For this, dig out the root ball of your astilbe, divide it into several parts with a spade and plant it again. The pieces should be at least fist-sized and the individual roots undamaged if possible. Put some well rotted compost in the planting holes so that the new shrubs grow well.

The distance between the new plants should be about 40 to 60 cm in the case of high-growing varieties, and about 20 to 25 cm for the small varieties, especially if they are used as ground cover.

Propagation by cuttings

The astilbe grows independently by rhizomes. That's why she should be shared occasionally. Otherwise, she goes away. But you could also use the rhizomes themselves for propagation. Use only the fresh shoots, not the ones that are already lignified.

Cut some strong rhizomes, which already have several foothills, and plant them to the new location. However, they must not be planted too deep in the soil. Enrich the potting soil with some compost, so your cuttings get enough nutrients.

Sowing astilbe

Although you can sow Astilbe also, but the rearing is not easy. During the germination period the seeds need a high humidity and temperatures of 22 - 25 ° C. Astilbe are light germs, but even the seeds tolerate no direct sunlight. Show the first leaflets, then lower the temperature and humidity.

Some multiplication tips:


If your Astilbe does not bloom well, then rejuvenate the perennial by division.