How to rejuvenate an old yew

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
TRIMMING and RESHAPING a yew hedge
Video: TRIMMING and RESHAPING a yew hedge


Yews can become very old and very tall

How to rejuvenate an old yew

Yew trees are highly valued for their longevity and good cutting tolerance. Unfortunately, old yews grind with time, because not enough light reaches the lower branches. How to rejuvenate an old yew.

Rejuvenate old yew trees by pruning

Old yew trees, especially when planted as a hedge, turn bald inside over time. It no longer reaches enough sunlight to the lower regions, so that the tree no longer forms new shoots.

But it is easily possible, even a very old yew to rejuvenate by a strong pruning.

But keep in mind that the yew grows very slowly. It takes several years for the tree or hedge to be completely dense again.

The best time to rejuvenate a yew

Yew trees are so well cut-tolerant that they forgive a pruning at any time. Only directly in midsummer you should do without a rejuvenation cut better. At the interfaces, the needles are browned by the sun. That does not hurt the tree, but it is not so nice to the eye.

Two cutbacks per year are recommended

To rejuvenate a yew, cut the tree at the top. You can safely do a strong pruning.

Then remove all the lateral branches so that the sunlight can get back to the tree trunk.

It is particularly beneficial if you clear the yew twice a year, as this will speed up the growth of new branches.

Composting the cut remnants of the yew

Although the yew is a very poisonous tree, you can safely bring the cut remnants that arise when rejuvenating on the compost. The poison is decomposed there.

But you should shred the leftovers, otherwise the decomposition process takes a long time.

The plant juices that leak when cutting a yew can cause skin inflammation. Be sure to wear gloves when rejuvenating and protect your face from contact with needles or twigs.


Yews can become very old. There are specimens whose age is estimated at 1,000 years. The wood is very hard and resistant and was therefore used centuries ago for weapons and tools.