Asters draw blooming garden pictures in all seasons

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
[MV] OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ The fifth season(다섯 번째 계절) (SSFWL)
Video: [MV] OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ The fifth season(다섯 번째 계절) (SSFWL)


Autumn butterflies are often used for autumnal festivities as decoration

Asters draw blooming garden pictures in all seasons

With colorful tongue flowers and yellow tubular flowers, asters form recognizable flower baskets that decorate the garden and balcony throughout the year. From the winter hardy spring swamp to the one-year summer swamp to the multi-year fallaster, the multifaceted genus fulfills every wish for design. As cultivation goes smoothly over the garden stage, the following answers reveal common questions.

Plant aster properly

Plant your asters in the spring. Many years of practice have proven that autumn planting is associated with high losses. The young plants, which have been brought forward or bought out of the glass, are placed so deep in the soil that the root ball lies just below the surface. The addition of compost, horn shavings or clay soil promotes rooting in a natural way. The Alpine and Bergastern, however, are pleased about the addition of fine grit or sand and some rock flour for a vital start to perennial life. Water regularly on the day of planting and later.
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care Tips

The head swirls fast in the face of the abundant variety of species and variety, with which we are presented with the wonderful asters of the asters. It is a good thing that there is a high degree of conformity in terms of care. With these grants you guide the perennials through the garden year:

Before the first frost cut off the perennials by a maximum of one third, if a self-sowing is not on the plan. A thick layer of leaves or compost effectively prevents winter damage. Asters in the planter ideally settle in a frost-free winter quarters.
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Which location is suitable?

The selected variety defines the framework conditions for the ideal location. For popular aster species and varieties, we have summarized the following summary:

Although the requirements for light, temperature and soil conditions differ, asters agree on one thing: they can not stand waterlogging.
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The right planting distance

Adjust the planting distance to the selected aster species. Small-sized cushion asters are wonderful at a distance of 20-25 cm. Medium-sized species are staged at intervals of 40-45 cm. The majestic wood-branches, smooth asters, or myrtle asters should be located at a distance of 50-60 cm.
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What is the best planting time?

In the garden practice, the spring planting has proven to be excellent for asters. This applies across the entire species spectrum. For the cold-sensitive Sommerastern this appointment is already mandatory. In this way, the perennials have enough time to establish themselves so well that the winter can not harm them.
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When is flowering time?

Where asters thrive in the garden, there is a colorful flowering party throughout the year. A prerequisite for a never-ending cup of flowers is the right combination of species and varieties. For your inspiration, we have compiled some popular flowering types for you:

While the above-mentioned species show up again and again in their flower splendor, the summer aster (Callistephus chinensis) is limited to a unique appearance on the garden stage from July to September.
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Cut aster properly

Cut withered flower heads during flowering, the buds underneath accept this invitation to unfold. Your effort will be rewarded with a long-lasting flowerbed and a well-groomed appearance. The near-bottom pruning, however, please take before the end of winter time. Until then, the retracted plant parts act as a natural winter protection. If self-sowing is not desired, cut the plants back by a third in autumn.
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Pour aster

Please do not water the drought-loving Alpine and mountain asters until the soil has dried to a depth of 3-4 cm. All other garden asters like a constantly slightly damp soil, regardless of whether the bed or the balcony box is their home. Since the flowers are all lime-compatible, you can use normal tap water. Please avoid overhead irrigation of your favorite flowers and instead pour the water from the can spout directly onto the root disc.
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Feed Aster properly

With an organic nutrient supply, you can provide all aster species with the necessary nutrition for a long flowering period and avoid the risk of over-fertilization. Adjust the timing of adding compost, horn shavings, guano or bark humus to the individual beginning of the growth phase. By the end of the flowering period, work the material with the rake lightly into the soil every 3-4 weeks and then pour. The lime-loving mountain and alpine asters receive a handful of rock flour or algae lime. For asters in the pot and balcony box we recommend an organic-mineral, phosphorus-stressed liquid fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
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The widespread in the utility and ornamental garden Fusarium wilt does not stop even asters. The penetranular ascomycete genus causes a death of stems, leaves and flowers. If symptoms such as withered, spotty leaves die off from the ground, dig out the affected plants and dispose of them in the household waste. In the following 3-4 years no asteroids should be cultivated at this point.
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Most garden asters are hardy and offer even the freezing cold unimpressed the floral forehead. In exposed locations and to protect against permanent wetness, we still recommend these precautions:

An exception are the one-year-old summer asters. Not least because of their short-lived, they form recently as Callistephus chinensis a separate genus. If the summer bloom is nearing its end, dig out the root bales to dispose of them on the compost.
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Multiply aster

Those who can not get enough of asters that are as florid as they are easy to care for choose from the following propagation methods:

Asters moving forward behind glass start into the season with a clear growth advantage. In the case of seed that has been harvested by hand, the color of the flowers is always a surprise. In contrast, vegetative propagation through division or cuttings will ensure that you have a clean sorted result.
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How do I properly plant?

Every 2-3 years, the perennials should be picked up in spring, divided and planted at the new location. Thanks to this makeover your asters will stay vital and flowering. At the same time these measures of uncomplicated propagation. As long as a section has at least 2 shoots, the growth power rests in it to the adult aster.
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Aster in the pot

The cultivation of asters in the pot is rich in flowering, if you allow the flowers a high quality potting soil, enriched with lava granules or perlite respiratory flakes. Please do not forget to put some potsherds over the water drainage to protect against waterlogging. The care program in the bucket and balcony box is similarly uncomplicated, as in the bed:

In autumn, cut the perennials back by a third. Then you put the pot in the frost-free winter quarters. Pour only moderately during growth growth and do not give fertilizer. In March / April, cut off the remaining leaves and turn the shrubs into fresh substrate. From the end of April / beginning of May, the Aster takes its place on the balcony and terrace.
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Is Aster poisonous?

Asters are the ideal jewelry for the family garden and the balcony. Within the broad spectrum of species and varieties no poisonous specimens are represented. On the contrary, the flowers in the creative kitchen act as a colorful decoration for cold and hot dishes. Of course, this only applies to plants from organic farming.
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Beautiful varieties