Successfully multiply artichokes

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to divide Globe Artichoke to Make More Plants
Video: How to divide Globe Artichoke to Make More Plants


Artichokes can be easily multiplied by seeds

Successfully multiply artichokes

Artichokes produce flowers for about three to five years. Therefore, it is advisable to think in good time of the multiplication. Learn more about the propagation methods for artichokes and how to proceed step by step.

Early article harvesting artichokes Next article Are artichokes hardy or winter?

Artichokes multiply by seeds

Propagation via seeds is the usual propagation method for artichokes. Make at least one artichoke bud bloom and collect the relatively large, dark seeds in the fall. Store in a dry, cool place.

So the sowing succeeds:

Artichokes multiply by division

Propagation by division is more complicated than propagation by seed, but has the advantage that you immediately have a second artichoke plant, which probably flowers in the same year.
For artichoke sharing, proceed as follows:


A homemade artichoke is also a great gift! Simply sow all collected seeds and then give the small artichoke perennials to friends and relatives.