The care of the Aralia - pour, fertilize, cut and more

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Aralia plant repotting & care - With All details
Video: Aralia plant repotting & care - With All details


The substrate of the Aralia should always be moist

The care of the Aralia - pour, fertilize, cut and more

The slightly poisonous Aralie stands with her feathered leaves in the eye. It is known as a dense large shrub for outdoor planting and also known by the synonym Japanese Aralie.

Previous article Aralie - edible or poisonous? Next article Aralie propagate: cuttings, sowing, root cuttings

What needs to be considered in terms of casting?

Once planted and rooted properly, this aralia does not need to be constantly poured. It is recommended to provide the soil with a layer of mulch. Thus, the earth does not dry out too fast. At best, the environment is kept moist.

How often should you fertilize the Aralia?

Fertilize this plant in the spring with a dose of compost. If there is no compost, you can also use another organic fertilizer. Fertilizers such as nettle and horn meal are also very suitable. Only when the nutrients in the soil are right, does this aralia also flower.

Do you have to overwinter the Japanese Aralia?

It is not necessary to overwinter this plant. Due to their origin, they can also deal well with a Central European winter. It is hardy to -25 ° C. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to put this temperature minimum to the test.

Protect your aralia if you have planted it only in the fall. Also recently increased specimens should be protected in the winter outdoors. For wintering, the following points should be noted:

How to cut this plant properly?

When pruning nothing special is to be observed. It is only important to know that the aralia is less branched and should preferably be cut in winter. In the course of the pruning, you can keep individual shoots and use them for propagation. Cuttings of the Japanese Aralie are easy to root.


If you regularly remove the root shoots, you have to assume that the aralia vigorously forms new shoots. It only helps: Remove regularly to avoid proliferation.