Collect and dry chamomile - this is how it's done

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Collect and dry chamomile - this is how it's done - Garden
Collect and dry chamomile - this is how it's done - Garden


Collect and dry chamomile - this is how it's done

Occurrence and use of the originating from Middle East and Eastern Europe real chamomile can be detected for Europe since the early Stone Age - ergo the versatile flower heads of the medicinal plant have been used for a very long time by humans. Even today you can collect the chamomile yourself.

Early article Chamomile - flowering and harvest Next article The right time to harvest the chamomile

Real chamomile recognize

There are many different types of chamomile, which are very similar and therefore easy to confuse, of which only the real chamomile and the rarer Roman chamomile are of therapeutic use. The real chamomile recognize the following features:

Although the different camomile species are not poisonous, they do not have much healing effect.

Where can you find the real chamomile?

The real chamomile can be found on fields, on roadsides, on meadows, fallow land, rubbish dumps, in vineyards and on walls. The plant thrives especially in sunny and warm places, where farmers usually fight them as field weeds. If possible, gather in remote places and take care not to collect on sprayed fields, fertilized meadows or busy roads. These camomiles are heavily contaminated by ingested pollutants.

Chamomile harvest and dry

The best time to harvest the ripe flower heads is a sunny and dry day, preferably around lunchtime. At this time, the content of valuable essential oils is highest. Only the flower heads are collected as long as they are clean, healthy and free from vermin. They must not be washed under any circumstances. The flowers should be dried immediately after harvesting. To do so, spread it over a wide area on spread paper and dry it at a place between 21 and 27 ° C, warm and dark. Alternatively, a drying in the oven is possible.

Store chamomile flowers properly

Store the dried flowers in a hermetically sealed container in a dark and cool place. The chamomile flowers are durable for about a year.

Tips & Tricks

Since today unfertilized meadows and unsprayed fields are rarely found, you can also grow the real chamomile in the garden.