Pull an apple tree yourself

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Rejuvenate Old Fruit Trees
Video: How to Rejuvenate Old Fruit Trees


Pull an apple tree yourself

The specialized trade holds a great abundance of apple trees in different varieties and parent forms. If you bring some patience and enjoyment of the experiment, you can also grow an apple tree from a core.

The peculiarity in the cultivation of fruit trees

Many shrubs and flowering plants can be propagated through cuttings and rootstock. Also techniques like the Abmoosen are used today in more and more private gardens to propagate plants. For the propagation of apple trees and other fruit trees, these techniques are not really successful. Rather, a seedling is pulled from a core of the apple tree, which is then refined as needed and as usual in commercial cultivation, with a precious rice on a certain trunk height.

Reasons to refine the apple tree

When pollinating an apple blossom, the genetic information from the pollen combines with the genetic components of the flowering apple tree. In the wild, the origin of the pollen is largely uncontrollable, so it can come as a surprise when pulling an apple tree from a core. If, on the other hand, a precious rice of the desired apple variety is grafted onto a pase base during processing, the growth of branches, leaves and fruits corresponds to the gene pool of the noble rice variety. In commercial horticulture, therefore, only grafted trees are usually used under professional guidance to obtain trees of the same variety and similar growth.

To shape a self-made apple tree

If you just let the self-grown seedling grow, it will usually reach a rather impractical height and growth habit. You have better prospects of yield if you finish the tree with a scion and targeted cuts to one of the following tree forms:

Tips & Tricks

For pulling an apple tree from a core you usually do not need detailed instructions. Note, however, that you must first stratify the cores in the refrigerator for about two weeks prior to germination in the harvest year.