To grow an apple tree yourself

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Grow An Apple Tree From SEED to FRUIT 🍎! In 3 YEARS!!
Video: How To Grow An Apple Tree From SEED to FRUIT 🍎! In 3 YEARS!!


To grow an apple tree yourself

It's not very complicated to grow an apple tree in your own garden. However, you need to be patient about the first harvest of the new tree after about seven to ten years.

The past propagation methods for an apple tree

Basically, the apple tree is one of the woody plants, which can be reproduced by laymen even with little expertise. However, it should be said that the following propagation methods for offshoots on the apple tree are poorly or not at all workable and therefore are not practiced commercially:

With some patience, apple seedlings can be pulled from a core and planted in a pot relatively easily. Although the cores from apples bought in the grocery trade are also suitable for this purpose, you should prefer cores from local apple cultivation with proven varieties due to their climatic and geographical suitability.

Pull a seedling out of the core itself

To grow an apple tree from a core, you need to do a little trick if you want the nucleus to germinate from a fruit in the year of harvesting. Because the kernels of the apple tree in nature, for some reason, have built-in germination protection, the kernels must first be stratified with a fake winter. To do this, place the cleaned apple kernels between two layers of damp kitchen towels and put them in a bowl for at least two weeks in the refrigerator. Subsequently, the cores are placed in loose soil substrate, where they drive out with regular watering in a few weeks.

Nutr by refinement, the variety can be precisely controlled

Outside of special plant breeding establishments, the reproduction of apple trees makes it difficult to control which pollen penetrates into the apple blossom and thus also into the genetic material of the seeds. Certainty about the variety and the fruit yield of an apple tree can therefore only exist if a refinement with precious rice on a suitable growth pad. For this purpose, the precious rice in a certain trunk height are grafted so that, for example, results in a half-stem or high stem.

Tips & Tricks

Seedlings made of apple kernels can usually also be used as a base for a finished stem form, but better qualities are provided by weak-growth substrates such as the widely used M9.