Put apple tree in partial shade

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Partial Shade for Fruit Trees
Video: Partial Shade for Fruit Trees


Put apple tree in partial shade

When planting an apple tree, attention should be paid not only to a sufficient planting distance, but also to a suitable location in order to enable the largest possible apple harvest.

The degree of shading and its effects

While apple trees as well as other types of fruit usually prefer full-sun locations, it is still possible to cultivate in partial shade under certain yield losses. However, care should be taken at partially shaded places that no waterlogging can form in the root area of ​​the apple tree.

Tips & Tricks

Even in a small garden can be harvested delicious apples. Thus, trellis and column fruit can also be cultivated in a pot on the terrace.