The care of the anthurium (flamingo flower)

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Ultimate ANTHURIUM (Flamingo Flower) Care Guide — Ep 195
Video: Ultimate ANTHURIUM (Flamingo Flower) Care Guide — Ep 195


The Anthurie likes a tropic-like climate

The care of the anthurium (flamingo flower)

This arable plant is a very popular houseplant because of its attractively colored leaves and the color-matched piston on which the small flowers are found. Depending on the cultivar it blooms red, orange or white. With good care, the anthurium is extremely flowering and provides year-round attractive splashes of color on the windowsill.

Previous article How toxic is anthurium?

Never let roots dry out

Anthuriums thrive on the ground in their homeland, but often also as potted plants on large shrubs. Accordingly, they do not form an expanded root ball, but grow out of a fleshy rootstock. This must always be kept evenly moist. If it dries out, the plant repels the bracts with the flowers.

Always water the flamingo flower when the top of the substrate feels dry. Highly recommended is room-warm rain water, because on lime the plant reacts very sensitively. If this is not possible, allow the tap water to stand at least until the lime has settled on the floor.

Sprinkle leaves

As a jungle plant, the Anthurie prefers a small climate with high humidity. Therefore wet the plant regularly with lime-free water.

How is fertilized?

In the case of the flamingo flower: Moderate but regularly fertilize. Ideal is the half-concentration of a commercial liquid fertilizer, which you administer once a week.

What should be considered when repotting?

Due to the limited root ball only younger plants have to be repotted annually. With older plants it is sufficient to exchange the earth. Ideal is a very permeable substrate, such as orchid soil, as this comes closest to the natural preferences of the flamingo flower.

Does the anthurium have to be cut?

These plants do not require a regular cut as they grow naturally bushy. Only the faded bracts with the flask and yellow discolored foliage should be cut out with sharp scissors or a knife.

Does the plant hibernate?

Anthuriums are native to the rainforests of South and Central America, where there is a mild climate year-round. For this reason, many flamingo flowers form new flowers throughout the year and do not hibernate.

Which pests and diseases threaten?

Unfortunately, anthuriums often take care of in winter, due to the extremely dry heating air. Spray the plant regularly and if possible, ensure a good micro-climate through a room well or evaporator.

root rot

Many anthuriums come in because the plant friend meant it too well. It is usually sufficient to water the plant once or twice a week. Always make sure by the thumb test, if the plant really needs to be watered.


If the air is too dry, the flamingo flower becomes susceptible to spider mites and scale insects, which initially show a yellowing of the leaves. Treat the pests as quickly as possible with a suitable agent. In case of heavy infestation, the attractive plant could otherwise enter.


Although anthuriums do not like direct sunlight, they need the brightest possible location. If this is too dark, the flamingo flower often acknowledges that the flower is missing.