The anthurium gets yellow leaves - what is missing from the plant?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Anthurium Leaves Turning Yellow? Here’s The QUICK Solution!
Video: Anthurium Leaves Turning Yellow? Here’s The QUICK Solution!


If the anthurium gets too little light, the leaves turn yellow

The anthurium gets yellow leaves - what is missing from the plant?

In addition to the brightly colored bracts with the interesting flower the intensely colored leaves make the special charm of the flamingo flower. If the leaves discolour, this is not always an aging phenomenon.

Next article The anthurium does not want to bloom - what can I do?

Causes can also be:

Too little light

Anturias thrive on the ground of bright rainforests or as a sapling on the giant jungle. As a result, they need a lot of light. In the blazing sun or in the shade, however, the ornamental plants do not feel well. If it gets yellow leaves, the location is usually too dark. Then place the flamingo flower on a bright east or west window or use a plant lamp to compensate for the lack of light.


Anthuriums prefer an air-permeable, acidic substrate with additional drainage layer. If too much water is poured or water builds up, root rot often occurs. As a result, the foliage changes color and the plant dies. Quickly transplant the flamingo flower, which can often be saved. In the future, pour significantly less.

pest infestation

Dry heating air favors the spread of noxious insects such as spider mites and mealybugs. If this goes unnoticed, the anthurium gets yellow leaves and cares.

Spider mites are so small that they are often barely visible to the naked eye. Fog the plant, the webs become visible.

Woll and mealybugs can be identified by a white or dark coating on the underside of the leaves, under which the pests hide, well protected against environmental influences. They excrete honeydew, which is a sticky layer on the green. In addition, brown spots appear, caused by dew.

If you fight the insects with an effective home remedy or an insecticide, the anthurium usually recovers quickly. You can simply cut out yellow leaves.


Flamingo flowers do not like lime and also respond to the change in pH with leaf discoloration. If you water the plant predominantly with tap water, it should be repotted annually or at least the substrate should be replaced.