Ants on roses - what to do now?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Rid of Ants: Fast, Cheap and Easy
Video: Get Rid of Ants: Fast, Cheap and Easy


Ants on roses can be an indication of aphids

Ants on roses - what to do now?

Strictly speaking, ants are not pests but - quite the opposite - very useful insects. Nevertheless, the hard-working animals can do great damage to roses.

Ants are often an indicator of aphid infestation

Where ants are, you will often find aphids. That's why you should first examine a rose swarming with ants for an aphid attack and then fight on a broad front. Both the ants and the aphids cause severe damage to the plant and often lead to fungal diseases (such as soot dew). Ants "keep" aphids as "pets", whereby both species benefit from each other. The aphids enjoy the protection of the defensive ants, while these in turn use the honey-sweet, nutritious excrements of the aphids as food.

Ants sitting between the roots damage roses

Aphids weaken the rose, because the animals puncture the leaf veins and aspirate the sap. In turn, their honeydew excrements are often populated by black fungi (eg, black-throated fungus), but also attract ants. These, in turn, primarily damage the plant indirectly, by loosening up the soil by their grave activities and thus also the roots.These in turn can then absorb less water and nutrients, so that the rose is withered in the sequence, turns yellowish and eventually stunted.

Driving away ants - lavender or stinging nettle helps

Often, baking powder is used as a home remedy for ants, but this is only partially effective. It is better, you fight the annoying animals in the following way:

The frequent pouring certainly sells the ants very safe, but permanently damages the rose. Therefore, you should not overdo it, but rather rely on a proven anteater in case of a strong infestation.


In addition, ants do not particularly like garden lime and the aromas of lemons, cinnamon, chili or cloves. You can also apply these substances in the affected area and thus distribute the annoying insects.