The Cyclamen: Faded - and now?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Цикламен.(Cyclamen ) 4 причины пожелтения цикламена ЗИМОЙ.
Video: Цикламен.(Cyclamen ) 4 причины пожелтения цикламена ЗИМОЙ.


After flowering, the cyclamen can be planted out

The Cyclamen: Faded - and now?

Too beautiful looked the pink, purple or white flowers. But now they are dry and hang limply. What now? Can you continue to cultivate the cyclamen?

From when cyclamen are usually faded

Between February and March most of the cyclamen are over for fun. Then they look forward to the end of their heyday. On the other hand, cyclamen, which grow outdoors, do not blossom until February, when it gets milder and can bloom in April. But at the latest in May all cyclamen are dead.

Faded too early? That's behind it!

Who has his cyclamen in the pot in the apartment in a cozy and warm place, need not be surprised if the flowers retire early. The cyclamen does not like temperatures above 16 ° C. Therefore, it should be put in a cool location at its peak.

Do not throw away after flowering, but plant out

After the flowers have passed, the cyclamen with its last forces its fruits and seeds. At this time, it looks a little handsome. Therefore, many dispose of cyclamen in the pot after flowering. But if you own a garden, you should rather plant this plant instead of disposing of it. After the summer, it is brought back in again and blooms again.

Find a good location outside

In the field, the cyclamen needs a shady or partially shaded location. Ideal is a location under a wood that gives shade in the hot summer. The soil at the place should have the following characteristics and be poured sparingly:

Multiply cyclamen after flowering

After plucking out the old petals, you can wait until the fruits have formed with the seeds. With them, the cyclamen can easily multiply. Also for a division of the tuber has come after flowering a suitable time.

Tips & Tricks

Even if the casting is neglected and the soil lacks nutrients, the flowering is shortened or is completely absent. Therefore, pour your cyclamen abundantly and fertilize it shortly before and during the flowering period regularly!