Algae lime in the garden - when is this fertilizer useful?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Vegetable Garden Fertilizers: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) & Potassium (K) - All the Details!
Video: Vegetable Garden Fertilizers: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) & Potassium (K) - All the Details!


Moss indicates lime deficiency

Algae lime in the garden - when is this fertilizer useful?

"Lime makes rich fathers and poor sons" is an old peasant wisdom. This says that an excess of calcium fertilizer initially provides excellent yields, but in the long term leaching the floor. But does this also apply to algae lime, which is often used in organic horticulture, and how is this high quality fertilizer used?

What is algae lime?

These are the finely ground deposits of red algae and thus a purely biological substance. It is composed as follows:

In the trade you get algal lime either as a fine powder that can be dissolved or granulated for convenient spreading.

Algae lime for soil improvement

The natural fertilizer scores with many positive aspects:

Algae lime as a pesticide

Due to the high pH of algae lime, the fertilizer can be used to prevent fungal spores in the soil from germinating. If plant diseases such as mildew, scab or late blight occur, you can pollinate the affected plants with a fine layer of algae lime and fight them effectively. Pests such as Colorado beetle, leek moths and ground fleas avoid lime-dusted vegetables.

Which plants benefit from calcium fertilization?

Lime deficiency occurs quite quickly in plants that prefer calcareous substrates. They are shown by:

Whether the soil contains enough lime, you can also recognize without soil sample. Pointer plants like:

indicate that the lime content of the soil is too low.

Algae lime is also useful if the soil values ​​have shifted into an acidic area. Here, the fertilizer regulates and ensures optimal growth conditions.

The application of algal lime

On the packaging of algae lime, there is always an exact dosing instruction printed, which you should definitely stick to. If this is missing, you can orient yourself according to the following information:

You can determine the pH value of the soil with test strips, which you can get from the garden retailer. This makes it easy to determine the optimal dosage.

Beware of overdosing, as it triggers chemical processes that cause massive nutrients in the soil to be broken down. These are then no longer available to the plants, serious damage to the plants is the result.

How is fertilized?

Algae lime should be applied very evenly, as this is the only way to develop the optimum effect. For larger areas such as the lawn, the use of a fertilizer cart is recommended. Make sure that the opening slots are not blocked by lumps or small stones.

In beds and shrubs, the fertilizer can be spread with a shovel. Weigh the recommended amount per square meter and gently spread the product. Then work in well, so that the fine powder is not carried away by the wind.

Algae lime is even more effective when mixed with compost earth. The fertilizer is better absorbed by the plants due to the nutrients contained in the compost.

When is algae lime fertilized?

Even if you can use algae lime all year round, the best time to apply the natural fertilizer is spring. The soil should be moist but not too wet. As a result, the powder adheres to the substrate and remains visible, so that it can be distributed very evenly. It is recommended to water the plants after fertilization so that the lime penetrates quickly.

The disadvantages of algal lime

Many garden soils already have a high lime content; here should not be additionally gekalkt. Also, not all plants can tolerate this fertilizer.

Under no circumstances should you lime:

These plants appreciate acidic soils and are very sensitive to a high calcium content of the substrate.


Fertilize only on windless days with algae lime and wear gloves. The powder can irritate the skin and eyes due to the calcium carbonate it contains, and it also has a harmful effect on inhalation. Also, make sure that little children do not come into contact with algae lime and other fertilizers.