The Akelei in the profile - worth knowing in brief

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
The Akelei in the profile - worth knowing in brief - Garden
The Akelei in the profile - worth knowing in brief - Garden


The columbine is also called Aglei, Venus wagon, Jovisblume, women's glove, Frauenschühli, Kapuzinerhüttli or Pfaffenkäpple.

The Akelei in the profile - worth knowing in brief

While one gardener has never heard of her before, the other gardeners know her like the back of her hand. We're talking about the columbine. But what facts are there to know about this plant?

The most important thing summarized

Facts that you do not look at the columbine ...

There are more than 70 species of columbine known. They are all perennial and herbaceous and occur predominantly in Europe, North Africa and Asia. There, the columbine prefers light hardwood forests, shrubs, forest edges and meadows on calcareous soils.

In the Middle Ages, the columbine was considered a remedy for example for liver disease. Today it is classified as toxic. Already 20 g of their fresh leaves can lead after consumption to symptoms of intoxication such as shortness of breath, diarrhea and heart trouble.

Facts that appear outwardly

Depending on the location of the columbine can be between 40 and 80 cm high. Their stems grow up in groups. The lower leaves are long-stalked, while the upper leaves are seated. All leaves are threefold, pinnate and toothed. The upper leaf surface is blue-green and the hairy underside is gray-green.

Here in short format the characteristics of the flowers:

From the flowers develop vielsamige follicles. These are the most toxic because of their contained seeds. The shiny black seeds contain, among other things, magnoflorin and a glycoside that forms a cyanide. The fruits ripen between July and August.

Plant the columbine - location and care needs

Tips & Tricks

The columbine is known by other names such as Aglei, Venus wagon, Jovisblume, women's glove, Frauenschühli, Kapuzinerhüttli and Pfaffenkäpple.