Cut back an acacia and shape it

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Coffee table from acacia wood [WeaselWood 🌳 Furniture #12]
Video: Coffee table from acacia wood [WeaselWood 🌳 Furniture #12]


It is best to cut the acacia in summer

Cut back an acacia and shape it

The acacia enriches your garden with a magnificent foliage dress and a handsome shape. A condition for a well-groomed appearance, however, is a regular pruning to keep growth under control. So that you do not harm your acacia, but promote your development, you should consider the following aspects when pruning.


The optimal time to cut acacia is shortly after flowering. You should avoid pruning in the fall, as the acacia already forms its flowers for the coming year during the summer months.

Is pruning necessary in winter?

Many plants are cut back in winter when they discard their leaves. The acacia also tends to lose its foliage. However, a pruning in this case is not mandatory. As temperatures rise again in the spring, they usually develop new shoots on their own. Only if there are no new branches by summer, you should remove old branches. In addition, strong winds can make a new shape cut necessary.

Acacia cutting instructions

The pruning of an acacia should be comparatively minor, but regular. The fewer branches you remove, the more offshoot forms the deciduous tree in the coming year. Due to their spiky thorns and the contained toxins special caution is required. To make the pruning as gentle as possible, treat the interfaces with a protective agent if necessary. This is the best way to cut acacia:

    Take off protective gloves and clear the acacia tree by removing dead branches from the crown. Now venture into the interior of the crown and discard the old branches in close-knit branches. Always remove the weaker one. Take your acacia a shape cut to your liking. For this, all protruding branches are shortened to the necessary length. Always place the scissors above a pair of leaves or an eye