Pests on the maple - effectively prevent and fight ecologically

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Using Nuclear Science to Control Pests


Deer can cause great damage in the garden

Pests on the maple - effectively prevent and fight ecologically

Its pronounced susceptibility to fungal diseases puts the importance of pests on the maple in the background. In fact, maple trees are only briefly besieged by uninvited guests, most of whom do not cause any significant damage - with two exceptions. This guide explains the plague you should use to protect a maple and how, in an emergency, a home remedy will solve the problem.

Aphids take maple's life courage - Tips for fighting

In time for the sprouting in spring, aphids are on hand to populate the beautiful maple leaves. With their mouthparts insects sting the epidermis and absorb the sap. Since many species are capable of producing moth, the explosive propagation of the pests can cause considerable damage to the tree. Do not let it get that far. With the following home remedy you fight the plague in the early stage with success:

Spray the tops and bottoms of the maple leaves dripping wet with the soapy water. Repeat this application every 2 to 3 days until you can not detect lice.

Deer and rabbits like to eat maple - this is how they act correctly

Wild animals like to nibble the delicate bark of young maple trees for their lives. The nitrogen-rich buds of deciduous trees can not resist deer. Home growers often complain of wild bite on maple. Small bites are a welcome gateway for pathogens, so we recommend the following precautions for protection:

In addition to the mechanical defense measures, the specialist trade offers paintable or sprayable antibiotic products. These are based on purely natural ingredients, such as animal body fat or essential oils.


A propagation bed with freshly planted seedlings is a richly laid table for rabbits and deer. So that the lovingly pulled maple offshoots are not eaten, you defend the uninvited guests from the forest with tree protection mesh covers made of plastic. The nets are specially designed to protect against game attack on young trees, are attached with cable ties or wire and are reusable.