Is Ageratum hardy?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GROWING AGERATUM: SEED TO FLOWER How to Grow Ageratum for the Cutting Garden Ornamental Flossflower
Video: GROWING AGERATUM: SEED TO FLOWER How to Grow Ageratum for the Cutting Garden Ornamental Flossflower


Liver balm dies in frost

Is Ageratum hardy?

As hardy one can not call the tropical Leberbalm (bot. Ageratum), he does not like frost. In the trade you usually find it as an annual plant although it can be quite a few years old in nature.

In principle, the Ageratum houstonianum belongs to the perennial plants, botanically it is referred to as a perennial herbaceous plant. Its long flowering, ideally from May to November, makes it a popular ornamental plant.

Is it worth a wintering of the liver balm?

Hibernation of the liver balm is rarely recommended. It is just more convenient to buy a new plant in the spring. Maybe a new purchase is also "cheaper" than hibernation. If you want to avoid the throwaway habit, then you should definitely consider hibernation, especially if you have a suitable winter quarters. So you can cut cuttings for propagation in the spring.

Where should I overwinter my Ageratum?

The liver balm likes it sunny and warm, so its location should not only be bright in summer, but also in winter quarters. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below about 5 ° C. An at least slightly heated conservatory or a warm greenhouse are ideal for wintering your Leberbalsams.

How do I care for my ageratum in winter?

If you would like to bring your liver balm well through the winter, then bring it to your winter quarters in time for the first night frosts. This is easiest if they have cultivated it in the tub, a small variety possibly also in the balcony box. The plant probably still blooms at this time, but do not let it stop you.

During the winter, the liver balm needs no fertilizer and only a little water. He should not dry out completely. His care is not too expensive. Only when the icy saints are over in May, the Ageratum houstonianum may be brought completely outside again.

The essentials in brief:


If you have enough space in a suitable winter quarters, then try to overwinter your ageratum.