Maintain an agave in the pot properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to care for an agave plant and help it grow huge!
Video: How to care for an agave plant and help it grow huge!


Agaves thrive excellently in the pot

Maintain an agave in the pot properly

Many species of agave are hardy in most locations in Central Europe, without special protective measures in the field. Therefore, agaves are usually cultivated in a pot, so that they can then be placed in a sheltered place for the winter months.

Select planter and location correctly

You can save the agave in the pot unnecessary stress if you select a vessel during repotting, that the plant for the next two to three years provides sufficient space. So you do not have to repot the agaves every year after weeding out. Agaves love strong sunlight and can usually be placed easily in full sun locations. You should always pour an agave in the pot only when the soil in the pot is already dry and crumbly on the surface. After all, an excess supply of water is one of the most common maladies in agaves and can lead to decay of the roots and later of the whole plant.

This substrate belongs to the culture of agave in the pot

In keeping with the natural distribution of agaves, agaves in pots should not simply be planted in any soil. You can easily mix the pase substrate for agaves from the following components:

Mix well one-third of the listed materials with about two-thirds of commercially available potting soil and also ensure adequate drainage in the planter used. Alternatively, you can also use already mixed cocoa soil. When transplanting the agaves into a larger pot, the substrate used should be replaced as well.

Maintain agave in the pot and hibernate properly

It is quite normal for the agaves, when the lowest leaves ever turn yellow and die. Cut the leaves off only when they are completely dry. Otherwise it could lead to a loss of moisture as well as a disease infestation at the interfaces. After the winter in a bright winter quarters, you should take care to get used to the plants slowly back to the direct sunlight.


Before transporting between winter quarters and open-air sites, you can put wine bottle corks on the leaf tips of the agave to minimize the risk of injury from the pointed spines.