Eäriger Ehrenpreis in the garden - Tips for proper care

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Eäriger Ehrenpreis in the garden - Tips for proper care - Garden
Eäriger Ehrenpreis in the garden - Tips for proper care - Garden


The Ährige Ehrenpreis is a pretty ornamental plant for the garden bed

Eäriger Ehrenpreis in the garden - Tips for proper care

Eäriger Ehrenpreis is a very popular garden shrub that also lends itself well to ground cover. The violet-blue flowers are very decorative. The care of this native honor prize species is very simple. This is how you maintain the honorable prize of honor.

How do you properly earn the honorary price?

Eäriger Ehrenpreis copes well with short dry periods. Waterlogging, however, he does not tolerate at all. Only water in hot summer months.

When and is fertilized?

Like all honor prize species, the honorary prize is not very demanding. He needs little nutrients.

Sprinkle something in spring and summer

between the plants. This ensures the nutrient supply. Do not use chemical fertilizers so you do not over-price the prize.

Does the Eärliche Ehrenpreis have to be cut?

You should prune right earning honor directly after the bloom. You reach thereby a second bloom time in the early autumn.

Before the winter cut back Eärigen Ehrenpreis all the way.

Can Ähriger Ehrenpreis be transplanted?

Transplanting can earn you the honorary prize of all perennials in autumn or spring. Dig out the root ball generously. You can pierce very large bales with the spade and thus win more plants.

Which diseases and pests do you need to pay attention to?

Diseases hardly occur. The only major problem is too much wetness. When waterlogged the roots rot and the honorary honor goes in. Therefore, only plant the perennial in well-drained soil or drain first.

Occasionally Ehrenpreis is visited by aphids. Since washing or spraying with soft soap in the garden does not make sense, you should use commercially available sprays. It is even better to count on natural enemies such as ladybugs and lacewings.

Does Eäriger Ehrenpreis need winter protection?

Eäriger Ehrenpreis is hardy and needs no winter protection. Only if you pull the perennial in the bucket, you should protect it from frost.

Place it in a location where it is protected from wind and rain.


Since Spike of Honor is a native perennial, it is one of the most ecologically valuable plants in the garden. The beautiful purple flowers attract many bees and other insects.