Is Acanthus hungaricus poisonous?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Acanthus mollis cutting the leaves away in June / July - Burncoose Nurseries
Video: Acanthus mollis cutting the leaves away in June / July - Burncoose Nurseries


Balkan bear claw is often planted in natural gardens

Is Acanthus hungaricus poisonous?

The southeastern European wildflower Acanthus hungaricus is experiencing a remarkable comeback in German ornamental gardens. However, the popular name Balkan-Bärenklau causes the interested gardener headache. The numerous warnings of dangerous giant bear claw have sensitized nature lovers for the important issue. This guide gives a sound answer.

Acanthus hungaricus is not poisonous

Cause for the guesswork to the poison content of Acanthus hungaricus is the popular naming. A glance at the botanical taxonomy brings light into the darkness:

A Balkan bear claw you can thus confidently record in the planting plan for the natural garden. The magnificent perennial thrives in bed and tub equally easy to care. A light winter protection in the field ensures that Acanthus hungaricus drives out again every spring. Container plants linger in winter preferably in the light, frost-free location behind glass.