Cultivate cypress as bonsai

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hinoki Cypress Bonsai | Bonsai-U
Video: Hinoki Cypress Bonsai | Bonsai-U


Cypress trees are ideal as bonsai

Cultivate cypress as bonsai

Cypress trees are fast-growing and robust trees that usually retain a very slender shape. They are therefore well suited to pull them as bonsai on the terrace or throughout the year in the house. What you need to consider when cultivating a cypress as a bonsai.

The right care of bonsai cypresses

When keeping a cypress as a bonsai, proper care plays an important role. In addition to regular cutting, the trees need sufficient water and fertilizer.

Casting is always done when the substrate in the pot has dried up. The roots should never dry out completely.

During the growing season from April to September you should provide the Cypress with instructions for a special bonsai fertilizer.

Cut cypress as bonsai

Cypress trees can be cut into many forms. Especially popular is the cloud form. To achieve the desired figure, make yourself a template or put a wire mesh over the tree. You can cut along it at the resulting cutbacks.

Basically, you can cut the cypress as a bonsai at any time. Before and after the growth phase, a strong cutback should be on the program. Individually protruding branches or sick branches remove continuously.

Very upright branches bring you with wire in the desired position. Do not pull too hard so that the branches do not break.

Bonsai overwinter frost-free

In the pot, the cypress is not hardy, especially if it is still very young. You have to overwinter your bonsai in the house. Place the cypress in a cool winter garden or on a non-heated window in north or east direction.

From March, you will slowly get used to the bonsai again to higher temperatures. Now is the right time to repot.

Cut the roots back when repotting. This will allow the bonsai cypress to get a thicker trunk, but not so quickly shoot up.


For the care as bonsai, cypress species are chosen in the first place, which are not so great in nature and are characterized by a slim shape. Well-suited species are Arizona Cypress, Arizona Cypress, Gold Cypress and Monterey Cypress.