Panicle hydrangea is best planted in spring

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer


Make sure that the panicle hydrangea gets enough sun

Panicle hydrangea is best planted in spring

Panicle hydrangeas have been growing in popularity for some years now. This has good reasons, because the shrub is waiting with a wonderful flower splendor, when all other shrubs have already faded. What you should consider when planting the panicle hydrangea, you will learn in this article.

Are panicle hydrangea a sunny spot?

In contrast to the common farm hydrangeas, panicle hydrangeas also thrive in sunny to partially shaded spots. However, in the shade, this hydrangea should not be planted, as it can not develop properly there and flowers only a little.

On which soil panicle hydrangea thrive particularly well?

Like all hydrangeas, panicle hydrangeas prefer a slightly acidic to neutral, but unconditionally lime-free soil. This one should be humos, d. H. nutrient-rich, and also be well drained. A bit of optimal soil should be supplemented with rhododendron or peat soil, some peat and mature mixed compost.

When should panicle hydrangeas be planted?

The best planting time is in March, when frost is not expected, but the plant is not yet expelled.

Is it allowed to transplant panicle hydrangeas?

As a rule, panicle hydrangeas tolerate repeated transplanting very well.

How much space do panicle hydrangeas need?

Many varieties of panicle hydrangea grow to about two to three meters high and as wide, so plan as much space in the garden as possible. However, these shrubs can be kept small by a radical cut in the spring.

How are panicle hydrangeas planted?

Panicle hydrangeas are usually offered for sale in containers. Pour the plant thoroughly before planting, but you can also place it with the pot for one hour in a water-filled bucket. Then you putt out the hydrangea. Smaller trees turn around, hold them to the root collar and gently pull them out of the pots. Lightly pressing and tapping will help you slightly if necessary. For larger copies, simply cut open the container. The planting hole should amount to at least one and a half times the root ball, whereby you can additionally loosen the ground and walls with a grave fork. Mix the spoil with mature compost and horn chips and pour a watering can of water into the hole. Now you can plant the panicle hydrangea.

Which varieties of panicle hydrangea can be cultivated in the bucket?

Basically, you can cultivate all varieties of panicle hydrangea in the bucket. Especially suitable, however, are the two dwarf varieties "Bobo" and "Dharuma".

When do panicle hydrangeas bloom?

Panicle hydrangea bloom quite late. Many varieties only open their flowers in August, but then often bloom into September or even October. An exception is the dwarf panicle hydrangea "Dharuma".

How can I multiply my panicle hydrangea?

The propagation of the panicle hydrangea succeeds rather uncomplicated over cuttings.

Tips & Tricks

Although panicle hydrangeas thrive in the full sun and bloom abundantly, they also fade faster. Many hydrangea varieties change color from white to pink when they wither.