Cyprus grass: care and varieties

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Cyperus alternifolius - grow & care
Video: Cyperus alternifolius - grow & care


Cyprus grass is at home practically everywhere

Cyprus grass: care and varieties

Zypergräser are with their palm-like fronds a very decorative room and terrace decoration. We have put together once for you what the marsh plant is and how many cultivation methods you can use.


The genus of Zypergräser, botanical Cyperus, is one of the Sauergrasgewächsen and has a very large distribution spectrum. They are native to temperate to subtropical and tropical areas of virtually all continents. Of course, this variety of climatic habitats can also be attributed to the relatively high spectrum of species of the 600 variants. Most species come from North America, followed by Far Eastern and Middle Eastern, African and Central American species. Some are native to Europe as well. In the garden culture Zypergräser are preferably kept in the bucket.


Zypergräser grow mostly as perennials from Rhizom- or tuber roots, which usually form quite intense clumps. Some species are only one to two years old. On fine, clotted stalks, Zypergrasses produce long leaf-shells, which have also earned the plant the epithet water-palm. The different species are approximately between 30 and 100 cm high.


The grass-like, long single leaves of the umbels are very narrow and lanceolate in Zypergras with a pointed end. They are whole and green.


From a horticultural point of view, Zypergräser are definitely a leaf ornamental plant. The flowers are rather inconspicuous. They appear throughout the year as small, yellow, tufted spikes over foliage-like bracts.

Which location is suitable?

Zypergräser prefer a sunny, bright location. The ambient temperature should be rather warm - at room temperature they feel very comfortable. In summer, you can put your Zypergras but also good and provide an exotic atmosphere on the terrace. In winter, Zypergräser like it a bit cooler.

Location requirements at a glance:

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Although Zypergräser adjust with their vegetation behavior to the seasons and need it in the low-light winter break a little cooler - they are not frost hardy. Hibernating outside is not possible. Even temperatures below 10 ° C do not like Zypergräser particularly. Towards freezing it will be critical at the latest.
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You can easily keep a Zypergras in the room throughout the year. Although it does a fresh air period over the summer always good, but who owns neither balcony, terrace or garden, can get a healthy, satisfied Zypergras inside. However, you should take care in the house a little more meticulous on a sufficient casting practice and also a good humidity. Regular spraying with the water disperser is essential especially in the heating season.
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Pour Cyprus grass

Zypergräser are marsh plants. This almost eliminates the question of the need for casting. A Zypergras should always be in the water, but at least always have a moist root ball. You do not need to worry about waterlogging and the threat of root rot - it is not possible to over-pour when using Zypergrass. Dryness is the only risk here, which is quickly noticeable by brown leaf tips. In the winter, it does not have to be that intensive.

As water you use preferably low-limp water, preferably from the rain barrel.

In addition to watering, you should always give the Zypergras a lot of moisture even in the upper part of the plant - in the form of refreshing spray showers.

Overview of casting rules:

Brown tips

Brown leaf tips are a very common phenomenon in Zypergras, which is due to its enormous water needs. As a rule, dryness is to blame for brown leaf tips - for now, this signal is not a cause for concern. Just pour more and more regularly and spray the Zypergras with the water disperser. Only when whole stalks turn brown, the degree of desiccation is critical and in the worst case can lead to the death of the plant.

Optionally, lime-containing irrigation water can be the cause of brown leaf tips. Use as soft water as possible, preferably rainwater.
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Since Zypergräser grow quite fast and tend to a relatively strong Horstbildung, repotting is quite often necessary. It can be necessary every year a new pot. It's best to do repotting in the spring. The Zypergras is quite insensitive and survives the bucket change usually complaining. When repotting, you can also remove old, brown stems and thus give the plant such an all-round freshness and rejuvenation cure. So you can count on a vital growth over the summer. In the new pot give the Zypergras best humus rich soil, mixed with some loam and sand.

The Umtopfregeln at a glance:

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Fertilize Cyprus grass properly

You can fertilize your Zypergras over the vegetation period, ie from early spring to September into moderately. Every two weeks, add some liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water. But you should not fertilize more, otherwise it will lead to unnatural growth spurts, which can lead to unstable, kinking stalks.


Epithem Water Palm - hardly possible to pour over - Fast browning of the leaf tips with minimal dryness: All these indicators suggest a hydroponics for the Zypergrass. So the marsh grass is well taken care of and you have a little more peace of mind as a cultivator. You can keep a Zygr grass in classic hydroponic culture with a expanded clay substrate in a water bath with some nutrient solution. A float informs about the water level and gives orientation, when a refilling is necessary.

But you can also put the Zypergras in any other form of hydroponics and be creative at the same time. One option is, for example, a pitcher made of clay or glass filled with water, some liquid fertilizer and pebbles - the latter variant may have a very decorative effect, but is more suitable only for young, not so large specimens.

In the garden pond a Zypergras is not only visually very attractive, but is also optimally supplied with water and nutrients - here you do not need to worry about it. The downside - it does not survive the winter here. So you either have to dug it out in the autumn and potty it for the winter and bring it into the house or accept the loss of the plant.
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Another possibility of hydroponics is the integration into an aquarium. Here too, as with the garden pond, in addition to the lower maintenance costs, you have the positive side effect that the Zypergras enriches the water world in a very decorative way. An advantage over the planting in the garden pond is that the Zypergras stays here permanently in the warm room and you do not have to worry about the hibernation.

Submerse culture

However, only certain types of Zypergras are suitable for the submerged, so completely submerged culture. Preferably, the Cyperus helferi should be mentioned here. It is an Asian species with soft, pliable, slender, light green stems and leaves that move smoothly with the flow of water. With water temperatures between 22 and 30 ° C, good lighting and a ph value of 5 to 7.5 this Zypergras thrives best. The planting ground should be rich in nutrients and fine-grained.

For open aquariums

A species that is suitable for open aquariums, in which stems and leaves can grow beyond the water surface, the Cyperus alternifolius. It shows quite large, medium-green leaf shells and thrives best at a water temperature between 17 and 28 ° C with a ph value of 5 to 9.
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Cut Cyprus grass properly

A Zypergras basically only needs to be cut back if it has become too big for the wintering site over the growing season. If the space in winter quarters is limited, you can trim the grass by about half. It will be easy to drive out in the spring.

Otherwise, only brown, dried stalks should be cut away.
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Multiplying Cyprus grass


Zypergräser can best be propagated by dividing the root ball. This method is particularly suitable because the plant has to be repotted anyway because of its tendency to form saliva - instead of always placing it in a larger pot, you can also simply divide the Zypergras at the annual spring cure. You put one game back in the original pot, the other you can either add it to your own plant collection or give it to interested gardener friends.

The division method is not only simple, but also promises a high gelation rate due to the insensitivity of the Zypergras root ball.


You can also multiply your Zypergras by seeds. From the blossoms and fruits that appear again and again over the year, you get a constant seed offer, but there are also commercially available offers in the specialized trade. Zypergräser are light germs - so the seeds may only be placed on the ground and not covered with it. Keep the culture dishes evenly and well moist and ensure a warm ambient climate of about 20 to 25 ° C. The seeds should germinate after about 2 to 3 weeks.


A third variant to increase the Zypergrases is the offshoot method. To do this, cut off some stalks and cut the leaves about half the length. Then put it upside down in water or a container of wet sand. After about 4 weeks, the offshoots should have formed roots. Then you can plant them in a planter with potting soil.
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Is Cyprus grass poisonous?

Zypergräser are generally not poisonous - pet owners and parents of small children can buy so safely a Zypergras.
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Some Zypergrassorten still hold amazing uses beyond the pure Zimmerpflanzenzierde out. The tuber root of the mantle, for example, is edible and, with its nutty taste and richness in southern Europe, is even considered a delicacy. The tuberous Zypergras can also be used to prepare home remedies for stomach ailments. Anyone who likes creative handicrafts can turn the Zypergrashalmen into wickerwork, baskets, etc., as is common in African countries.


Cyperus alternifolius

This variety, which has already been introduced in the section on aquarium culture, is generally also the best known among the room Zypergrasern. The Cyperus alternifolius is originally from Madagascar and can be cultivated very well in our room - and not just in the aquarium. Even in soil substrate, it thrives very well at relatively warm temperatures and, of course, thorough watering. Its shapely palm fronds are very vigorous and can reach a height of about one meter. The year-round ear flowers are brown and unimpressive.

Like most Zypergrasses, the variety is not hardy and should not be exposed to temperatures below 10 ° C. But in summer she can be put outside.

Cyperus eragrostis

To German this variety has the beautiful name "fresh green Zypergras". She is originally from South America and is also quite modest except for her large water needs. However, it is only about half the size of the Cyperus alternifolius. If it drives flowers, they can be quite rich. The Cyperus eragrostis does not form any foothills and thus does not have to be so much pushed into the limits.

Cyperus longus

The tall Zypergras is - not surprisingly - one of the largest varieties among the Zypergräsern and comes from the Mediterranean. This makes it conditionally hardy and suitable for garden pond planting. The tall Zypergras can reach impressive heights of up to two meters in good conditions - but in the local room culture is usually rather at 1.20 m. The Cyperus longus forms strong foothills, so it must be regularly repotted when holding in the bucket.

Cyperus papyrus

With a height of up to 3 meters, the real papyrus grows even larger than the cyperus longus and is even more imposing due to its thick, triangular stems. Of course, with these dimensions, the real papyrus is not suitable for every hobby gardener in room culture. Originally the Cyperus papyrus comes from Africa, Southwest Asia and Southern Europe and has been used in ancient times for the eponymous papyrus and also as a building material.

Cyperus fuscus

In German, this species is called Brown Zypergras and naturally occurs even in Germany. Their distribution area also extends south to the Mediterranean and east to China. The Cyperus fuscus is an annual variety, but its seed survives the winter. It does not form any clumps. With a stature height of only 30 to 40 centimeters, it is one of the smallest Zypergräsern.

Its stems are particularly sharp, the leaf-shells sitting on it have few, narrow leaves and thus have much less palm-like appearance than, for example, the Cyperus alternifolius.

Of the comparatively conspicuous, aged and lush inflorescences in dark, violet-brown with green edges, the brown Zypergrass has its name.