Pests on the plum tree: Prevent and recognize

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Identifying and Treating Plum Tree Diseases | Damson tree diseases
Video: Identifying and Treating Plum Tree Diseases | Damson tree diseases


Pests on the plum tree: Prevent and recognize

Easy-care fruit trees are haunted by pests despite their good location. We reveal practical tips to avoid and recognize vermin. Learn interesting facts about natural methods against uninhabited plum inhabitants.

Moths (big butterflies)

The butterfly places its eggs on the young plum fruit. After hatching, the caterpillars dig into the fruit. Shortly thereafter, the plums become bluish and fall to the ground.

Remove the fruits around the tree. Natural predators dam the infestation. A nesting box for songbirds is suitable.

Plum moth (Grapholita funebrana)

These pests often attack plum trees and plum trees. Small, soft fruits fall from the tree between June and September. Inside lives a reddish colored caterpillar.

The puppets of the twilight-active butterflies hibernate in the ground. For this purpose, read down fallen fruits and remove them in the household waste. To prevent the next generation from hatching.

Plum Leaf Poisonous Yellow Mite (Phytoptus similis)

Leaves and fruits show traces of infestation. These remove immediately from the plum tree. Dropped plums and leaves will dispose of your household waste. Particularly at risk is the Hauszwetschge.

A dry and sunny location prevents these pests. In addition, a regular care cut is recommended.


Plum saw wasps (Hoplocampa flava and Hoplocampa minuta)

During the summer, small, pierced fruits fall to the ground. Her fruit stems remain on the tree. With abundant fruit set no fight is necessary.

Aphids (primarily: Brachycaudus cardui)

As early as spring, colonies accumulate on the young flower tips. Remove these consistently. According to natural laws, aphids lay eggs at their "hometown". In addition, the use of natural enemies is recommended.

Tips & Tricks

Healthy plum trees rarely suffer from pest infestation. The annual addition of compost supports the holistic development of older specimens (from 5 years).