Zucchini freeze: raw or cooked?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to FREEZE ZUCCHINI and SQUASH | NO Blanching | 2020
Video: How to FREEZE ZUCCHINI and SQUASH | NO Blanching | 2020


Zucchini is easy to freeze raw

Zucchini freeze: raw or cooked?

Zucchinis belong to the summer squashes, their harvest time is between July and October. Well-groomed and fertilized, these plants shed loads of tasty zucchini that can not be eaten at once. As an alternative, the freezing offers.

General information about frozen zucchinis

Up to twelve months, the unprocessed zucchini keeps in the freezer. Since it contains a lot of water, you will get the best freezing results with small specimens. Nevertheless, it can always happen that the zucchinis become soft and mushy after thawing. They are now unsightly, but not inedible. It is recommended to puree the vegetables or to cook in a soup.

Ready-cooked zucchini dishes are freeze-ready

Already cooked zucchinis can easily be frozen in suitable freezer boxes. However, the shelf life is only up to five months. Frozen zucchini dishes should always be thawed slowly at room temperature and then reheated. For warming up in the microwave, the zucchini and also a zucchini dish is not suitable. Both become muddy and lose a lot of flavor.

How is the zucchini best frozen?

Zucchinis are best frozen in a raw state. As a freezer suitable in addition to conventional freezers and screw jars. To freeze zucchini, do the following:

    Wash the vegetables under running water and then dry well. Cut it into cubes or slices. To remove some water from the zucchini before freezing, place them in a sieve and sprinkle the vegetables with a little salt. Catch the escaping water. With less water, the zucchini remains crispier when thawed. After about five minutes, the vegetables can be poured into thick-walled glass jars or conventional freezer jars. The water that has leaked is used in a soup. Be sure to provide the frozen item with the best before date.