Transplant a hedge properly

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplanting A Large Established Shrub By Hand
Video: Transplanting A Large Established Shrub By Hand


The bigger the plants, the harder the transplanting

Transplant a hedge properly

A burr is not a stable area. Those who like to spend time in their green oasis, experience has shown that they always change their image again and again. For a fundamental change, it is sometimes necessary to replant a hedge. Here you will find out.

The right time

Ideally, choose an autumn month before the first frost for the procedure. Then the growth of the plants is slowed down, so that the new requirements do not affect you too much on the development. In addition, the shrubs have time in winter to form new roots.

Necessary steps

The implementation of a hedge happens in the following steps:

Prepare the new location

Lift the trench for the hedge before it. Also enriching with compost should happen in advance.If you choose spring for transplanting your hedge, we recommend using a fertilizer.

The pruning

An augmented shape cut before digging is therefore important because when moving a majority of the roots in the soil remains. So that the plants are not underserved, their size should be adjusted.


Separate the roots with a spade so that you can remove the bale from the ground.

Cut roots

Round off the bale by pruning the roots to form a compact structure. Be sure to get as many small fiber roots as possible.

The transport

Inside the garden, transport is best done in a wheelbarrow. For longer distances, it is recommended to protect the root with a linen bag.


If necessary, remove the flaxseed protection and place your shrubs at the appropriate distance and the appropriate depth in the already prepared trench.

Care after the transfer

To continue healthy growth, the following steps are required: