How can the lemon verbena be propagated?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rooting cuttings | How to root plants of Lemon Verbena from cuttings | Propagating perennial shrubs
Video: Rooting cuttings | How to root plants of Lemon Verbena from cuttings | Propagating perennial shrubs


How can the lemon verbena be propagated?

The little hardy lemon verbena looks good and smells wonderful - she is obviously enjoying. So why not take the step and multiply? Here are three different ways you can reproduce the lemon verbena.

Sowing: Patience and luck is needed

Sowing the lemon verbena is considered difficult. But those who seek the challenge should not shy away from it. The seeds can be sown between March and April. Attention: The lemon verbena is a light germ!

That's how it's done:

Cuttings: The most common method

In summer, the lemon verbena can be propagated using cuttings. The cut shoots, which are to serve as cuttings, should be half timbered and between 10 and 12 cm long. Furthermore, they should have a healthy foliage.

The lower half of the cuttings is defoliated. The leaves on the top are halved with scissors. Now the cuttings are put in pots with nutrient-poor earth. A pair of leaves should look out of the earth. The whole thing is kept moist for weeks now.To prevent it from drying out, it is advisable to put a plastic hood over the respective pot.

The place where the cuttings rooted should be bright and warm. Ideal are temperatures between 18 and 25 ° C. Once the roots stick out at the bottom of the pot, the cuttings can go outside. This should not happen sooner than in spring. As an alternative to summer, the cuttings can be taken in autumn.

Absenker: In early summer

A third method:

Tips & Tricks

Immediately after transplanting, the lemon verbena should receive a nutrient-rich soil and be placed in a sunny spot. Who observes the site requirements, this plant will have little to maintain.