Lemon tree - an unusual bonsai

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lemon Tree Bonsai, June 2017
Video: Lemon Tree Bonsai, June 2017


Lemon tree - an unusual bonsai

The tiny, but wonderfully designed bonsai fascinate many people. However, a bonsai is not just a stunted tree - looking it like this requires a special kind of care. Even lemons can be trained to bonsai, but they are particularly suitable need a lot of tact and intensive care.

Recognize and treat diseases on the lemon tree

The education for bonsai

To raise a lemon tree to bonsai, he should be as early as two or three years old. Beginners are best off buying a tree from a retailer or garden center, because getting a lemon tree bonsai out of a seedling is a tricky affair that requires a lot of patience. For the bonsai to become a bonsai, it must be circumcised - both above and below. In general, the root ball is cut back to only one-third of its volume, in particular, the tap root should be removed. As a result, the roots branch out and grow more broadly - after all, the bonsai should even fit into the typical bowls. But before you make the cut, you need to think about the future shape of your new bonsai.

basic cut

The basic section is also referred to as conservation section. All shoots are removed or shortened, which do not fit into the desired shape. Just like the shape cut in the conventional lemon tree, the basic cut is best done in the fall.

sheet line

In leafcuts, however, all leaves of the tree are capped. This is to stimulate the lemon tree to a finer branching, also develop on the new shoots now mostly smaller leaves. Lemons tolerate such a radical cut pretty well and drive out quickly again.


Only by the wire gets the lemon tree bonsai its actual form. Here, special wires (usually made of aluminum) are spirally wound around the trunk or around the shoots and then bent in the desired growth direction. In this way, the bonsai artist ensures that the tree actually grows as planned.

The care of bonsai

Even a normal lemon tree in the tub makes quite demanding demands regarding its care to the owner - but a bonsai is even more difficult. Bonsai are usually in shallow bowls with little substrate, so that the roots (and thus the whole tree) do not grow so strong. A lemon bonsai needs to be fertilized much more often than a normal-grown lemon tree, but it depends on the right amount. An excess of nutrients results in salinization of the soil. Also make mistakes in casting by the small volume of earth quickly noticeable. In particular, too much water quickly leads to waterlogging and thus root rot - therefore, the pouring interval and the amount must be adjusted exactly.

Tips & Tricks

A lemon tree bonsai needs to stand much lighter than a normal lemon already demands. Otherwise, long and thin plug drives form, which do not lignify properly and make a beautiful design impossible.