How to care for your palm tree - tips and tricks

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 10 May 2024
5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi
Video: 5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi


Most of the room palms need a lot of water

How to care for your palm tree - tips and tricks

There is no one palm tree, but rather different types of palms and palm-like plants, all of which have different needs. Therefore, there is not a universal nursing instruction and the perfect location for all room palms.

Previous article Are there different types of room palms? Next article Do I have to cut back my palm tree regularly?

Plant and repot room palms

A freshly bought Zimmerpalme you best s.besten immediately, because usually the pots in the trade are too small and the roots have not enough space in it. Later, it is sufficient to repot this houseplant every three to four years.

Always choose the size of the new pot so that the roots have enough space to grow. The smaller the pot, the slower or less your palm will grow. Press the new soil well and water your palm extensively.

Pour and fertilize room palms

Most of the room palms are quite thirsty and need regular water. Many of them are tropical or subtropical plants and prefer high humidity. If the air is too dry, such as the heating air in winter, then your palm tree will be susceptible to diseases or pests.

Water your palm at the latest when the top layer of soil has dried slightly. But avoid waterlogging, as this could make the roots of your indoor palm tree rot. Over time, you get a sense of the right amount of water. Fertilizer only needs it during the growth phase. For most species, a normal long-term fertilizer is enough.

Cut room palms

You should not cut any of the palm trees. Damage the vegetation point, which is located in the middle of the crown, then your palm will not grow any further and may even enter.

Remove only dried-up brown leaves, but only when they are completely dry. An exception is Yucaplamen, their trunks may be cut and shared for propagation.

Palm trees in winter

Some species of palm palm are more or less frost hardy, others can hardly tolerate temperatures below 10 ° C to 12 ° C. Robust room palms are allowed to spend the summer on the balcony or in the garden, but in autumn they should slowly move back into the house. Slowly get used to palm trees, they do not tolerate abrupt changes in location or temperature.

The essentials in brief:


Inquire before purchasing your palm tree, which care this houseplant exactly needs. There are palm trees that are well suited for beginners and those are a bit more complicated in their demands.