Are there different types of witch hazel?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 3 Types of Witch Hazels we Grow
Video: The 3 Types of Witch Hazels we Grow


There are also pink flowering varieties

Are there different types of witch hazel?

From the witch hazel are five different types. Two of these species come from Asia, the other three from northern America. In trade, especially many crosses from the Japanese with the Chinese witch hazel are available.

Do all varieties of witch hazel flower at the same time?

The heyday of each species and varieties of witch hazel varies from October to March. However, most of them bloom in the winter. The color spectrum of the flowers ranges from a delicate yellow to golden yellow and orange to a strong shade of red. Some varieties also impress with an interesting autumn foliage or a delicate floral scent. So there is something for every taste.

The most important thing about the care of the witch hazel

The care of witch hazel is in principle the same for all varieties. They require a relatively low-limy, well-drained and nutrient-rich soil and prefer a sunny as possible, half shady location, as well as sufficient moisture. Choose the location carefully because witch hazel usually tolerates transplanting only very badly.

Water your witch hazel in the summer as soon as it does not rain for a long time. If your roots are too dry, then they will not bloom as abundantly as you wish. But be sure to avoid waterlogging caused by your watering. The witch hazel also reacts very sensitively.

Interesting varieties of witch hazel:


Be guided by your taste when selecting your witch hazel, but also consider possible different requirements of the plants on site and soil.