Are the fruits of the witch hazel edible?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Tree Talk: Witch-Hazel
Video: Tree Talk: Witch-Hazel


The fruits of witch hazel are basically edible

Are the fruits of the witch hazel edible?

The fruits of the easy-care witch hazel are quite edible. However, they play only a minor role in this plant, although they are considered quite tasty. However, not all varieties of witch hazel actually produce fruit.

Are the fruits of witch hazel something special?

The fruits of witch hazel are already very special, but this is less due to their taste than to their properties. The woody capsule fruit, like the plant itself, is reminiscent of hazelnut. But she is not botanically related to her. Two black seeds are inside each capsule.

When these seeds are ripe, the capsule bursts and hurls the seeds many feet away from the mother plant. So the witch hazel spreads on its own. However, collecting seeds will be a bit difficult. Remove the capsules from the plant a short time before seed maturity when planning to sow.

Is the witch hazel a crop?

The Virginian witch hazel (lat. Hamamelis virginiana) you can certainly count among the useful plants. It is used in medicine and also for cosmetic products. As a homeopathic remedy, she helps in the treatment of skin diseases. In the form of cream or ointment, it relieves itching or helps in wound healing and as Hamameliswasser after shaving it has a very refreshing effect on the irritated skin.

From the leaves and the bark you can make a tea. The contained tannins have astringent (contracting). In addition, Hamamelis has anti-inflammatory, calming and hemostatic properties. With Hamamelis tea, you can wash inflamed skin or apply compresses and envelopes. In diarrhea or mucosal inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, the tea can also be drunk in consultation with the attending physician.

the benefit of witch hazel:


If you want to use witch hazel for your health, you can use finished products or prepare a tea for external use.