Why does not my witch hazel blossom?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Use WITCH HAZEL In Your Beauty Routine
Video: 10 Ways to Use WITCH HAZEL In Your Beauty Routine


If the witch hazel does not bloom, or only sparsely, an unfavorable location may be the reason

Why does not my witch hazel blossom?

The easy-to-handle witch hazel is quite demanding in terms of location and soil. So it can easily happen that the flowering fails, if the Hamamelis does not feel really well.

The heyday of the witch hazel is winter, usually from January. In a mild winter, however, the flowers may open in December. Frost does not hurt them. Although the flowers then roll in, but they do not freeze, unlike those of winter jasmine. The Virginian witch hazel flowers differently the other varieties in the fall.

How do I get my witch hazel to bloom?

If the witch hazel does not get enough water in the summer, it probably will not bloom in the following winter. The same applies if the witch hazel has been freshly planted or even transplanted. Both do not like it very much and it may not bloom for a few years. Therefore, if possible, avoid using your witch hazel at any other location.

In addition, make sure that the soil around the Hamamelis is always slightly moist. In principle, the rain is enough to irrigate the witch hazel. With a layer of bark mulch you keep the moisture longer in the ground.

Only if it does not rain for a long time, you should water your witch hazel a little bit. But do not give her too much water at once to prevent waterlogging. Also on the witch hazel reacts sometimes very sensitive. Rainwater is best used because witch hazel only tolerates low-calcium water. A little organic fertilizer in the spring is also useful for a lush flowering.

The essentials in brief:


Avoid replanting your witch hazel and always ensure sufficient moisture and nutrients in the soil, then you have done the best for a lush flowering.