Yucca palm has dry leaves - causes and countermeasures

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to revive Yucca an almost dead houseplant Yucca!
Video: How to revive Yucca an almost dead houseplant Yucca!


Dry leaves are usually due to a wrong location or care mistakes

Yucca palm has dry leaves - causes and countermeasures

In general, yucca, or palm oil, native to the drylands of the US and Mexico is considered undemanding and easy to care for. Nevertheless, there are so many care mistakes that the popular Zimmerbaum quickly resists you - and reacts immediately with dry, brown-colored leaves.

Why the Yucca has dry leaves and what you can do about it

These dry leaves can have different, even conflicting causes. Do not make the mistake and pour the supposedly too dry Yucca - the brown leaves are only very rarely due to a lack of water. Instead, take your time and give the plant a thorough history. Only then can you make the correct diagnosis and take appropriate measures. To help you do that, we have compiled the most common causes of dry leaves for you.

Pouring / waterlogging

Overflowing is probably by far the most common reason for dry and browning leaves. The Yucca comes from very low-water regions - and should therefore be kept rather short in terms of water. Very important is also a good pot drainage, so that superfluous irrigation water can drain quickly. Never leave the yucca in water, but remove it immediately from the planter or the saucer! How to recognize a waterlogging:

You can remedy this by potting the plants and cutting away muddy, brownish roots. Put the yucca or its healthy cuts in fresh, dry substrate.

Heat damage / sunburn

Especially during the winter months, the yucca - if it is warm winters and possibly even in the vicinity of the heater - suffer a heat damage. Either due to dammed up heat and too little fresh air, but also by the abrupt transfer of a yucca from a darker place into the full sun, the following symptoms can occur:

As a countermeasure, take a converted yucca out of the sun and slowly get it used to the new location. Overheated plants, on the other hand, need more air - ventilate regularly or place the yucca outdoors.

frost damage

Unfortunately, the house-cultivated Yucca elephantipes is not hardy and should therefore not be exposed to freezing temperatures - even for a short time, such as during winter-time ventilation. Freezing temperatures can cause a cold damage, which manifests itself as brown and dry leaves. Cut away the affected parts and avoid drafts.


Even the room yucca needs a break in winter and is therefore best wintered at around 10 ° C in a bright room.