Put Yucca palm out in the summer

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Can you put Yucca plant outdoor? | Avoid these mistakes when putting your plant outside
Video: Can you put Yucca plant outdoor? | Avoid these mistakes when putting your plant outside


Some yucca species can stay in the garden all year round

Put Yucca palm out in the summer

Yucca is one of the most popular indoor plants. The extremely growth-friendly plant can grow up to five meters high and therefore reaches the ceiling quickly. On the round trunk show several shoots with palm-like leaf creatures, which is why the plant is also known as yucca palm. Despite all similarity, the palm leaf - the botanically correct name - but belongs to the agave or, more precisely, to the asparagus plants. It is easy to care for and loves to stand outside in warm summers.

Put out room Yucca in warm weather

Often, especially the Giant Palmlilie (Yucca elephantipes) can be found in German living rooms. This heat-loving Yucca species is particularly large, but is not hardy and quite sensitive to drafts. However, during the warm summer months, you can confidently cultivate the plant on the balcony or on the terrace or maybe even in the garden - but in the tub, because you should not plant this species under any circumstances. The Yucca elephantipes would freeze at temperatures around zero. However, a warm summer holiday greets you the plant with lush health and a strong growth.

Protect room yucca outdoors from rain and wind

However, to make your yucca feel comfortable, some conditions must be met. First, there is the right location: The Yucca elephantipes prefers a bright, warm and sheltered location. However, do not place the plant immediately in the direct sun, but gradually get used to it. Otherwise, there will be unsightly brown spots on the leaves due to sunburn. You should also protect the plant against rain and wind, because moisture does not tolerate the plant that originates from rather dry regions.

At a glance: What to look for in the room yucca in outdoor culture

Garden Yucca can stay outside all year round

If you want to cultivate a hardy yucca in the garden, you will certainly find in the group of palm trees. Among the approximately 50 different species, there are some that are hardy and frost hardy and survive even severe winters. During the summer months, these garden yuccas often impress with an impressive flowering.

Garden Yuccas suitable for outdoor cultivation:


In very cold or snowy winters, you protect the garden yuccas, for example, with a garden fleece or the like. In the spring, frozen or dried up plant parts to remove, the Yucca drives out new.