Wild boar in the garden - what to do?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guinea pigs living wild in the garden.
Video: Guinea pigs living wild in the garden.


If a wild boar appears in the garden, rest should be preserved

Wild boar in the garden - what to do?

Since their habitats have shrunk, wild boars have made a virtue out of necessity and are seeking proximity to humans. Meanwhile, they appreciate garbage cans and home gardens as food sources. The result is ravaged beds and flower borders, because the robbers are not squeamish in their search. This guide will give you tips on keeping the bullys away from your yard.

Feeding prohibited - so her garden is spurned by wild boars

Primarily it is the effortless access to food that lures wild boars into the garden. Therefore, subject your property to a thorough inspection for possible sources of food to remove them from the access of the bristle animals. How to do it right:

In winter please do not get carried away with misunderstood love of animals to deliberately feed wild boars. This procedure is considered an administrative offense and will be punished with a fine. Moreover, the intelligent bristle animals have a good memory and will reappear in the future regularly.

Garden fence as a boar-sure bulwark - Tips & Tricks

A classic wooden or chain link fence can not cope with the power of wild boars. Inquire therefore in advance for a possible boar infestation when you create a garden. In this case, a bar fencing fence or a concrete wall may be considered fencing to fend off the bristly powerhouses.

If it was your original intention to plant a garden fence, go step by step. In the first step, pull up the boar-safe fence. In order to give the bulwark a nature-related look, you plant bushes, climbing plants or Zaungucker as greening.

In order not to deny useful animals, such as hedgehogs and moles, access to the garden, simply leave small gaps free along the fence. These should, however, be limited to a maximum diameter of 2-4 cm. Otherwise, clever martens will use the opening as an entrance gate.

Do not panic during an encounter

Wild boars are dusk and nocturnal, so it is rare for an immediate encounter. If you are suddenly faced eye to eye with a bristle animal, please keep calm. It is a misconception that wild boars are constantly running in a bad mood to attack people. In fact, the forest dwellers are shy and peaceful. Only when they feel cornered, wild boars attack.

Pull back slowly and release the animal an escape route. Then inform the nature conservation authority or the local forest ranger. Do not try to drive a boar out of your garden on your own.


Protect your garden in time from unwanted guests, such as wild boars, martens or raccoons. On the damage that wild animals cause, you usually sit as an owner. Policies against damage caused by wildlife have so far been rare in insurance offerings.