Wild Wine - Plant the virgin vine properly

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant Wine Grapes
Video: How to Plant Wine Grapes


Wild wine is happy about a rank aid

Wild Wine - Plant the virgin vine properly

If you want to green a wall, a fence, a house wall or a shed, you can choose between different climbing plants. Especially beautiful - especially due to its dense foliage and the intense autumn color - it acts as the virgin vine called Wild Wine. It is available in several species, as five-lobed Parthenocissus quinqefolia and as three-lobed Parthenocissus tricuspidata.

Early article Wild wine is poisonous

Which location does the Wild Wine prefer?

Wild wine feels good in sunny and warm locations - the more sun the plant gets, the more intense the foliage turns in autumn. You can plant the Wild Wine on house walls, pergolas, walls or facades, but you should first of all masonry first for any cracks examine carefully - through such small defects, the plant penetrates quickly and can cause significant damage.

Which soil conditions are optimal for the wild wine?

The wild wine feels particularly well in nutrient-rich, well-drained and slightly loamy soils. In addition, the substrate should be slightly moist, but without waterlogging.

When is the best time to plant wild wine?

Plant the young plants in the spring after the Eisheiligen or in early autumn. In principle, container goods can also be planted during the entire growing season, although it is often too hot and too dry in the middle of summer. However, on a colder day with overcast skies, planting should be possible even in midsummer.

How can you plant wild wine?

When planting near house walls, be sure to nourish the soil properly with horn shavings and / or compost. Especially at these planting sites, the soil is often - due to a higher calcium content - quite low in nutrients. The planting hole should be about twice as large as the root ball. Freshly planted wild wine must be watered vigorously.

Which planting distance does Wilder Wein need?

Since the wild wine grows not only in height, but also in width, you should set individual plants at a distance of at least two meters.

Does the Wild Wine Need a Trellis?

In general, the wild wine is described as self-climbing, which is not correct in all cases. Both the three-lobed as well as the five-lobed wild wine, there are self-sounding varieties such as varieties that need to be routed by wires, etc.

How can Wilder wine be multiplied?

You can self-propagate your wild wine using cuttings or sinkers. Both are cut in the late summer / early fall and should, at least in the case of cuttings, be winterized frost-free.

When does wild wine bloom?

Wild wine usually blooms in the months of July and August. The white flowers are in loose panicles.

Can you harvest and process the wild wine berries?

Often the berries of the wild wine are confused with those of the real grapevine ("grapes"), where the wild wine is unfortunately inedible or sometimes slightly toxic.


Cut back the Wild Wine in late summer to prevent it from spreading freely. Above all, you should make sure that the fast-awake climber does not grow along rain gutters, shutters, pipes, etc. and damage them.