Pull a vine from grape seeds yourself

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Growing grapes from seeds is very easy with 3 steps
Video: Growing grapes from seeds is very easy with 3 steps


Pull a vine from grape seeds yourself

It is not easy and requires a long patience. Making a vine from grape seeds is without exaggeration an exciting experiment with an enigmatic outcome. If you want to try it, you will find a comprehensive guide here.

Prudent selection of seeds and preparation work

In the run-up to the actual sowing, the focus is on the quality of the selected grape seeds. Here you lay the foundation for a successful course. A perfect seed feels firm and sinks to the ground in water. The selected seed is soaked in 0.2% potassium nitrate for 24 hours to neutralize the natural germ inhibition. Following this, the cold stimulus is on the program, called stratification.

In order to put grape seeds in a funeral mood, they have to go through a simulated winter. The vegetable compartment of the refrigerator is ideal for this purpose. This is how the plan works:

Guide to sowing

After a winter has been conjured up to the grape seeds, they are ready for germination. They can leave the refrigerator to be seeded in small seed pots with lean substrate about 1 centimeter deep. Moistened with water from the spray bottle, a constant heat of 20 degrees Celsius is required from this point on. Ideally, a heated mini greenhouse is available for this purpose.

Alternatively, cover the pots with cling film and place on a heat pad. Until the tender cotyledons present, 2 to 8 weeks move into the country. During this time, the substrate must not dry out. The seed is also preserved from direct sunlight. If the seedlings have reached a height of 8 centimeters, they are piqued. How to do it right:

Tips & Tricks

If a grape seed turns into a magnificent grapevine, the triumph becomes perfect by means of refinement. By grafting on a durable base, prudent hobby gardeners give their self-grown grapevines the necessary defense against cunning phylloxera and infectious mildew.