Poinsettias do not tolerate frost

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
what to do with poinsettia after bloom?
Video: what to do with poinsettia after bloom?


Poinsettia is sensitive to frost

Poinsettias do not tolerate frost

Poinsettias are native to regions where it does not freeze. They do not tolerate frost at all and are therefore kept throughout the year as a houseplant. In the summer, however, they certainly appreciate a stay on the balcony. Only before frost you have to protect the plant.

Poinsettias come from the tropics

The origin of the poinsettia are tropical deciduous forests in Mexico, Central and South America. There it hardly ever freezes. The decorative plant with its eye-catching bracts therefore does not tolerate frost at all.

Never leave Christmas Star too cold

Not only frost itself is causing the poinsettia. Even temperatures below five degrees damage the plant. It tolerates warm temperatures year-round and can therefore stay in the room.

Ideal are temperatures between 20 and 22 degrees. Note that the earth dries faster at high temperatures and you need to water the Poinsettia a little more often.

If you want to bring the poinsettia to flower again, you have to make it darker for a while after flowering, pour little and fertilize.

Not too sunny in the house

Even if the poinsettia gets along quite well with higher temperatures, do not put it on a too sunny window. If necessary, shade the plant during lunchtime so that the leaves do not burn.

Poinsettia correctly overwinter

Over the winter you have to have a poinsettia in the house. But since he shows the pretty leaves during the winter, he will be pulled in anyway during this time in the house.

Poinsettias, on the other hand, have to be summered. In summer, you are welcome to bring the plant outside, as long as the temperature does not drop below five degrees. Place it in a warm, bright place on the balcony or terrace where it is not too drafty.

The poinsettia may only go out into the open if there is no permanent frost at night. Sometimes, even in May, it's still too cold to keep out of poinsettia.


In addition to too much wetness makes the poinsettia and drafts to create. Pour sparingly and always set it up so that it does not get draft.