Put in a watermelon and keep it fresh

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Boiling Watermelon in Hot Oil & Freezing It | What Will happen?
Video: Boiling Watermelon in Hot Oil & Freezing It | What Will happen?


Put in a watermelon and keep it fresh

During the main season, watermelons from European growing areas are usually relatively cheap to get. You can put these sweet or spicy and store it into the winter.

Do not put in watermelons too early or late

So that the inserted watermelons can also have a high taste quality, they must be inserted with the correct degree of ripeness. While unripe melons have a shiny green shell and sound dark, fully ripe watermelons have a dull sound and a matte finish. If you can not fully consume a fresh watermelon, you should not keep it in the fridge for weeks before thinking about how to put it. An already almost spoiled watermelon does not pay the trouble of inserting, since the result can not be satisfying in taste.

Prepare the glasses for loading

To place the watermelons, you need preserving jars or other glasses with a tight-fitting lid. These should be sized so that you can consume the quantities contained within a few days when opening them later. While the brew is simmering to load the diced watermelon, you should sterilize the jars and thereby kill germs and bacteria that could otherwise cause the contents to deteriorate during storage. This is easiest if you rinse the glasses carefully with boiling water and then fill the finished mass directly.

Watermelons sweet and sour as a spicy side dish

A recipe from Russia allows the processing of watermelons to a spicy vegetable-like side dish. To do this, dice the watermelon and cook it in a mixture of vinegar and water. In addition, for a more interesting taste, add a few tablespoons of the following ingredients:

The mixture is poured boiling hot into the sterilized jars. These are filled to the brim and turned upside down for about 10 minutes. This results in a longer shelf life, since no bubble can form between the liquid and the lid.

Tips & Tricks

For the watermelons, you can also use the commercially available jars for vegetables and jams. However, you sometimes have to buy new caps, as the old ones usually do not close very tight.