When is planting time for tomatoes?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When to Start Tomatoes & Peppers and 5 Crops to Start Outside B4 the Last Frost (3/12 - Zone 5)
Video: When to Start Tomatoes & Peppers and 5 Crops to Start Outside B4 the Last Frost (3/12 - Zone 5)


Tomatoes can be planted outdoors from mid-May

When is planting time for tomatoes?

From the sun-drenched regions of South America, tomatoes found their way to cool Central Europe. In the home garden, the paradise apples only thrive in summery temperatures. The range for the best planting time is therefore limited. We reveal the optimal dates.

Early start of planting in the greenhouse

For happy owners of a greenhouse, the planting begins in mid / end of April. In the sheltered atmosphere under glass, late frosts have little chance of harming the tomatoes. Provided that the cultivation took place in the house at a constant 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. If you want to be on the safe side, before the planting creates a natural, Mistheizung 'on. This trick works like this:

As the manure rots, a pleasant warmth develops. This is delivered to the greenhouse, so that the room remains frost-free without additional energy.

Out in the open from mid-May

For generations, the excerpt of the saints of the saints heralds the beginning of the planting season in the vegetable patch. From mid-May, no more ground frosts are expected, which could be very bad for the young tomato plants. In particularly rough locations, it is still advisable to protect the bed overnight with a garden fleece. A film tunnel protects tomato plants from frostbite, which is closed during the night.

Individual plants on the balcony find effective protection against cold under special tomato domes. These are made of weatherproof foil and have air holes, so that no mold forms. It is important to note that spacers keep the hood away from the leaves and flowers. At the same time, these mini tomato houses keep the rain away and minimize the risk of infection with cabbage rot.

Appointment not as sole criterion

Experienced hobby gardeners know that the calendar alone is not sufficient as a basis for decision making for the beginning of the planting time. Only the strongest tomato plants have grown in the field, on the balcony and in the unheated greenhouse. Only the interplay of the following factors signals the final start of the season in the open air:


An unheated greenhouse without 'manure heating' can be protected from nocturnal frost with a simple trick. Just set up several grave lights.These burn off safely and give off enough heat to act as a frost guard.