Hibernate the weevil - that's how it works

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hibernate the weevil - that's how it works - Garden
Hibernate the weevil - that's how it works - Garden


The frost-sensitive Lantana can not be overwintered outdoors in our latitudes

Hibernate the weevil - that's how it works

Lantana is native to South America, where mild temperatures persist. Accordingly, the popular summer bloomer does not cope with winter frost very well and must be cleared in time to a winter quarters. Do not wait until the thermometer falls into the minus range, because then the plant may already have been damaged.

Earlier article lobster multiply by cuttings Next article Should the lantana be cut before the winter?

What should be considered before hibernation?

By a slight cut, in which everything blown away and the shoots are cut to about half, the small shrub is facilitated the hibernation. Very large specimens thus require less space in winter quarters. During the cut, carefully inspect the plant for pest infestation and fight off unwanted guests if necessary.

Hibernation in a cool room

Well suited for hibernation is a bright and frost-free place with an average temperature of about eight degrees. The root ball should never completely dry out even in winter. Water the plant as soon as the upper centimeters of the earth feel dry. Moderate watering is sufficient, fertilising is not at all.

Hibernation in the living room

The tropical plant can easily be maintained in a warm living room. Here, however, she does not take a real break and forms new flowers throughout the winter. Consequently, you must pay attention to the following points:


Especially in cold rooms with low humidity, the lantana also evaporates a lot of moisture over the leaf area during the winter months.Here it has proven useful to tie together the cut-back plant loosely.