Under what conditions may the wisteria be put out?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
New Life for an Old Wisteria
Video: New Life for an Old Wisteria


The lantana should be slowly getting used to its new environment

Under what conditions may the wisteria be put out?

Lantans are a little wonder of nature that every garden lover can get on the balcony or terrace. From flowering to flowering, the delicate umbels change their color. Because not all flowers bloom at the same time, the small shrub adorns itself with a fascinating colourfulness. Unfortunately, the lantana is not winter proof and must winter in the house. But you can put out the flowering plant again in the spring?

Cold-sensitive beauty

Lantana does not cope well with frost and has to move to winter quarters when temperatures drop below five degrees.

If mild temperatures prevail, lavender will feel much better in the field. After hibernation, you can only put the plant back on the balcony, when guaranteed no night frosts or minus degrees threaten. In our latitudes, this is usually only after the Eisheiligen the case.

Slowly get used to it

Lantans are sunbathers, the location is too shady, they form little or no flowers. However, you should not place plants that have been in the house for a long time in the full sun. The leaves burn and the plant takes some time to regenerate, the flowering starts late.

Therefore, proceed as follows:


Keep in mind that the lantana grows expansively and at the same time should get a rather small pot when repotting. In places where there is occasionally gentle wind, it is recommended to weigh the planter with some large stones or place in a planter. If the Lantana decays or the wind plucks too rudely on the branches they break off quickly.