These plants grace your front yard - tips for all situations

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 DIY Landscaping Tips on a Budget
Video: 5 DIY Landscaping Tips on a Budget


Roses and low shrubs often decorate front gardens

These plants grace your front yard - tips for all situations

With the right combination of plants and decoration, give your front yard a neat appearance throughout the year. While deco elements do not care about the light conditions, this does not apply to the plants. Get to know the best shrubs, flowers and shrubs for the sunny, partially shaded and shady front garden here.

Formerly Design the Front Garden - Creative Ideas Collection Next article Dream tree for the front yard - Beautiful little trees for your home

Most important premise when buying plants: restrained growth

In nursery and garden center, ornamental plants usually present with graceful shape. In fact, behind dozens of shrubs, trees and shrubs hides a vigorous plant that is not suitable for a front yard. When purchasing, ask exactly what proportions the favored species and variety will assume.

Please refer to the botanical name when purchasing your front yard plants. Under German trade names, several confusions have crept in, which occasionally cause nasty surprises in the garden. For example, a lilac can be a graceful Buddleja davidii with a height of 150 cm, an elegant Syringa vulgaris with a height of 250-300 cm, or a bulky, invasive Sambucus nigra that can reach a stately 1,000 cm and more.

Plants for the sunny front yard - Tips for the planting plan

The south side of the house is the area for the sun worshipers in the plant kingdom. Here special qualities are required to preserve the floral composure under the hot summer sun. For the following types and varieties, a place should be reserved in the design plan:

The beautiful girl's eye, Sterntaler '(Coreopsis lanceolata) dips your sunny front yard into a yellow sea of ​​flowers from June to September. Mediterranean flair exudes lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) with blue flowers from July to September. Of course, Shining Sunhat, Goldsturm '(Rudbeckia fulgida var. Sullivantii) should not be missing in the design concept, whose yellow-brown flower blossoms with brown eyes last well into autumn.

Plants for the half-shady front yard - a selection

A half-shady location with mild sunshine suits most ornamental plants. On the west side, however, is expected to rain more often, while an eastern orientation is spoiled only in the morning hours of the sun. Accordingly, the selection focuses on plants that adapt to these conditions. Be inspired by the following selection of recommended perennials, flowers and shrubs:

A front garden with a half-shady location is predestined for early-flowering bulb flowers. Under these light conditions, snowdrops (Galanthus), crocuses (Crocus), narcissus (Narcissus) and tulips (Tulipa) announce spring. When the flares of Digitalis purpurea ("Digitalis purpurea") rise in the front yard in June, they ring in the summertime for their bell blossoms. In autumn, the hour of the autumn asters and dwarf dahlias (Dahlia) beats, which inspire with colorful flowers until the first frost.

Floral specialists for shady locations - tips for the north side

Contemporary architecture relocates the front garden mostly to the north side of the house, while the south side is reserved for the larger ornamental garden and kitchen garden. This circumstance requires special selection criteria for the design plan, because decorative low light specialists make themselves scarce in the plant kingdom. We have compiled the most beautiful types and varieties for a shady front garden for you here:

In the shadow realm on the north side, the unique Funkien feel perfectly at home. In the front yard, give preference to small varieties such as the Funkie 'Blue Ivory' (Hosta x cultorum), which remains at a height of 35 cm. The spectacularly colored leaves with cream-white edges and blue-green center cast a spell over every observer. Because they like to thrive twice as high as they are high, they are also ideal ground cover for low-light locations.


Pre-gardens without turf are on the rise. The extensive care is a thorn in the side of many leisure gardeners. Easy-care and aesthetically pleasing is a composition of flowering groundcover and small perennial groups. The winter-green cranesbill 'White Ness' lies at a graceful 15-20 cm plant height like Digitalis or a Ball Hydrangea, Endless summer' (Hydrangea macrophylla) at feet.